Do schools kill creÂativÂiÂty? Sir Ken RobinÂson asked that quesÂtion at the 2006 TED conÂferÂence. And the talk resÂonatÂed wideÂly. His short preÂsenÂtaÂtion remains one of the most watched and “favorÂitÂed” videos in TED’s large catÂaÂlogue of inspirÂing videos. Quite an accomÂplishÂment.
Now, with the latÂest RSA video, Sir Ken returns to delve deepÂer into this basic quesÂtion. He asks, Why do schools kill creÂativÂiÂty? And why is this probÂlem built into the modÂern eduÂcaÂtionÂal sysÂtem? And how can we bring a “parÂaÂdigm” shift – one that will let schools fosÂter creÂativÂiÂty at long last?
RunÂning 11 minÂutes, the creÂativeÂly-aniÂmatÂed video above (how fitÂting!) gives you some answers. But realÂize that the clip is an excerpt from a longer 52 minute lecÂture availÂable in its entireÂty here.
A quick PS: Wired UK recentÂly asked the big quesÂtion: “What innoÂvaÂtion would most improve eduÂcaÂtion in the next decade?” You will find sucÂcinct answers by Ken RobinÂson, Chris AnderÂson (head of TED), yours truÂly and sevÂerÂal othÂers here.
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