In a bit of hisÂtorÂiÂcal irony, the British InvaÂsion hit GerÂmany before it reached the UK or anyÂwhere else. From 1960 — 1962, the BeaÂtÂles played the gritÂty nightÂclubs of HamÂburg and realÂly learned to play togethÂer as a band. There, they finalÂized the cast: John, Paul, George and then Ringo. And there they refined their live act, playÂing 281 conÂcerts, some lastÂing as long as 12 hours. NeedÂless to say, The BeaÂtÂles built up a fanÂbase in GerÂmany, and they latÂer nurÂtured it by re-recordÂing some earÂly hits in GerÂman. Above, we have “She Loves You” reworked as “Sie Liebt Dich” (JanÂuÂary 1964). OthÂer GerÂman recordÂings includÂed “Komm, gib mir deine Hand” (“I Want to Hold Your Hand”) and the rather amusÂing Geh raus (“Get Back”).
PS LookÂing to learn some GerÂman? Don’t forÂget about our colÂlecÂtion of Free ForÂeign LanÂguage Lessons.
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Sie Liebt Dich and Komm,gib mir deine Hand were recordÂed in 1964
Qtn; were they both aired, posÂsiÂbly-radio LuxÂemÂburg in same year ?
Thank you in advance, Ablett Lester