If you didÂn’t watch the seaÂson preÂmiere of The SimpÂsons this weekÂend, here is what you missed: The host of This AmerÂiÂcan Life, Ira Glass, makÂing a brief cameo appearÂance and pokÂing some fun at his ever popÂuÂlar show. Watch above.
MeanÂwhile, speakÂing of Ira Glass, be sure to get his thoughts on Why CreÂative ExcelÂlence Takes Time. He offers some excelÂlent advice for anyÂone workÂing in a creÂative field…
Can’t view video conÂtent is there someÂwhere else I could view it?
Glazier ManÂchesÂter
CouldÂn’t find one!