
This con­cep­tu­al lit­tle video keeps you think­ing about words and their uses. Will Hoff­man and Daniel Mer­cadante pro­duced it to accom­pa­ny a new Radi­o­lab episode called quite sim­ply “Words.” (Lis­ten via MP3iTunes — Web Site) If this is your first intro­duc­tion to Radi­o­lab, you’ll even­tu­al­ly thank us. Hands down, it’s one of the best cul­tur­al pro­duc­tions on radio/the web.

This video comes to us via Bill, who dis­cov­ered it on Devour, a new web site that hopes to intel­li­gent­ly curate YouTube’s mil­lions of videos.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.