AmerÂiÂca, as a nation, has some big fish to fry these days. But the enerÂgy is being focused right now on a symÂbolÂic quesÂtion. Can the nation tolÂerÂate the buildÂing of an IslamÂic culÂturÂal cenÂter and mosque near Ground Zero almost a decade after the 9/11 attacks? Or, more to the point, can AmerÂiÂca uphold one of its core valÂues – reliÂgious tolÂerÂance? The debate has smolÂdered on throughÂout the sumÂmer, and we’ve seen the hard right and left conÂdemn the CorÂdoÂba IniÂtiaÂtive and Islam more genÂerÂalÂly. On the right, Newt GinÂgrich has talked about how we’re facÂing an “Islamist culÂturÂal-politÂiÂcal offenÂsive designed to underÂmine and destroy our civÂiÂlizaÂtion.” And built into his thinkÂing is the assumpÂtion that when ChrisÂtians comÂmit abhorÂrent crimes, it’s a perÂverÂsion of the reliÂgion, not an indictÂment of its essence. But the same charÂiÂty doesÂn’t get extendÂed to the IslamÂic minorÂiÂty faith in the counÂtry. MeanÂwhile, Sam HarÂris on the secular/atheist left gets in bed with GinÂgrich when he says “there is much that is objectionable—and, frankly, terrifying—about the reliÂgion of Islam and about the state of disÂcourse among MusÂlims livÂing in the West.” If it matÂters, the main difÂferÂence between HarÂris and GinÂgrich is HarÂris’ conÂsisÂtenÂcy, which boils down to a conÂsisÂtent conÂtempt for reliÂgion. (ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life takes a much closÂer look at HarÂris’ arguÂments here).
All of this makes me wonÂder: What would someÂone who actuÂalÂly knows someÂthing about Islam say about the whole affair? So here you have it. Karen ArmÂstrong, one of the most well known thinkers in the field of comÂparÂaÂtive reliÂgion, a forÂmer Catholic nun, and the author most recentÂly of The Case for God, offerÂing her thoughts on the matÂter above.
ReliÂgious TolÂerÂance is key here, so why is the burÂden placed on the shoulÂders of AmerÂiÂcans to argue over.
I perÂsonÂalÂly feel that the mosque should be built, but also that this reliÂgious leader who sparked the debate be responÂsiÂble for standÂing up some alterÂnaÂtive reliÂgious sites in the MidÂdleast as a gesÂture of good will.
We have 1200 Mosques in the US already, all open for busiÂness and takÂing worÂshipÂpers. Will the Imam take his role as a perÂson who wants to fosÂter underÂstandÂing and buildÂing trust to the next levÂel and seek out locaÂtions in Iraq, Iran, PakÂistan, Kuwait, AfhÂganÂistan and othÂer counÂtries and get approvals from the locals to build a few SynÂaÂgogues, Catholic — BapÂtist and ChrisÂtÂian abroad.
If he’s willÂing to sell the idea as quid pro quo to his peers, it would be interÂestÂing to see what their reacÂtions would be.
We can have the UN fund the renÂoÂvaÂtion so nothÂing ius tied directÂly to the US and we’re not made out to be the bad guy anyÂmore.
Thanks Dan, this is great. I disÂcuss the new atheÂists’ take on the debate here:‑new-atheist-on-the-ground-zero-mosque/
Dr. TawÂfik Hamid, a oneÂtime memÂber of Jemaah Islamiya, an Islamist terÂrorÂist group, is a medÂical docÂtor and MusÂlim reformer livÂing in the West, said in an April, 2007 WSJ artiÂcle:
“It is vital to grasp that traÂdiÂtionÂal and even mainÂstream IslamÂic teachÂing accepts and proÂmotes vioÂlence. ShariÂah, for examÂple, allows aposÂtates to be killed, perÂmits beatÂing women to disÂciÂpline them, seeks to subÂjuÂgate non-MusÂlims to Islam as dhimÂmis and jusÂtiÂfies declarÂing war to do so. It exhorts good MusÂlims to exterÂmiÂnate the Jews before the “end of days.” The near deafÂenÂing silence of the MusÂlim majorÂiÂty against these barÂbarÂic pracÂtices is eviÂdence enough that there is someÂthing funÂdaÂmenÂtalÂly wrong.
“The grave predicaÂment we face in the IslamÂic world is the virÂtuÂal lack of approved, theÂoÂlogÂiÂcalÂly rigÂorÂous interÂpreÂtaÂtions of Islam that clearÂly chalÂlenge the abuÂsive aspects of ShariÂah. Unlike Salafism, more libÂerÂal branchÂes of Islam, such as Sufism, typÂiÂcalÂly do not proÂvide the essenÂtial theÂoÂlogÂiÂcal base to nulÂliÂfy the cruÂel proclaÂmaÂtions of their Salafist counÂterÂparts. …
“Well-meanÂing interÂfaith diaÂlogues with MusÂlims have largeÂly been fruitÂless. ParÂticÂiÂpants must demand–but so far haven’t–that MusÂlim orgaÂniÂzaÂtions and scholÂars specifÂiÂcalÂly and unamÂbiguÂousÂly denounce vioÂlent Salafi comÂpoÂnents in their mosques and in the media. MusÂlims who do not vocalÂly oppose bruÂtal ShariÂah decrees should not be conÂsidÂered “modÂerÂates.” …
“TolÂerÂance does not mean tolÂerÂaÂtion of atrocÂiÂties under the umbrelÂla of relÂaÂtivism. It is time for all of us in the free world to face the realÂiÂty of Salafi Islam or the realÂiÂty of radÂiÂcal Islam will conÂtinÂue to face us.”
“ForÂmer” nun?
That says it all.
This is not a demonÂstraÂtion of reliÂgious intolÂerÂance; it is a disÂtaste for the lack of senÂsiÂtivÂiÂty to AmerÂiÂcan famÂiÂlies who sufÂfered tremenÂdous lossÂes at the hands of MusÂlim fanatÂics who actÂed in the name of Islam. EveryÂone agrees that the builders of the mosque have a First AmendÂment right to do so; the quesÂtion is whether it is approÂpriÂate. PeoÂple of good faith can difÂfer on this quesÂtion withÂout the need for hurlÂing invecÂtive.
SevÂerÂal years ago large segÂments of the JewÂish comÂmuÂniÂty objectÂed to nuns estabÂlishÂing a place of worÂship at Auschwitz. Those objecÂtions were not based in “reliÂgious intolÂerÂance”. They were groundÂed in the perÂceived insenÂsiÂtivÂiÂty of sitÂuÂatÂing a ChrisÂtÂian instiÂtuÂtion where so many Jews had been murÂdered at the hands of genÂtiles. SimÂiÂlarÂly, to sugÂgest that AmerÂiÂcans — who are hisÂtorÂiÂcalÂly among the most reliÂgiousÂly tolÂerÂant peoÂple on the planÂet – are motiÂvatÂed by bigÂotry is, to say the least, unfair.
EqualÂly unfair is the attempt to equate ChrisÂtians who “comÂmit abhorÂrent crimes” with MusÂlim terÂrorÂists. ObviÂousÂly there are ChrisÂtians who comÂmit crimes, but you would be hard pressed to find a handÂful of examÂples (if that) in recent memÂoÂry of ChrisÂtians tarÂgetÂing thouÂsands of civilÂians for death mereÂly because they did not share the perÂpeÂtraÂtors’ ChrisÂtÂian worldÂview. And just as imporÂtant, if there were such crimes, they would be wideÂly and loudÂly conÂdemned by the ChrisÂtÂian comÂmuÂniÂty and its leadÂers.
The CorÂdoÂba peoÂple claim to be bridge builders. That is a good thing. But when they see that a sigÂnifÂiÂcant numÂber, if not a majorÂiÂty, of AmerÂiÂcans find a mosque at this locaÂtion to be disÂturbÂing and insenÂsiÂtive (irreÂspecÂtive of whether those feelÂings are well-foundÂed), and they nevÂerÂtheÂless choose to proÂceed, one has to quesÂtion the sinÂcerÂiÂty of their claims of recÂonÂcilÂiÂaÂtion. ImagÂine how much they could do for own their cause if — just like the Church did at Auschwitz — they proÂclaimed that, despite their right to build, they would reloÂcate out of respect for the feelÂings of those who disÂagree.
Hanoch, besides makÂing an irraÂtional emoÂtionÂal appeal, what posÂsiÂble harm could this comÂmuÂniÂty cenÂter have on the site, the city, or this counÂtry? It is a buildÂing that hapÂpens to belong to peoÂple of the same reliÂgion that these hijackÂers corÂruptÂed to destroy that buildÂing. PeoÂple lost loved ones and are not thinkÂing with a ratioÂnal mind. A buildÂing does no emoÂtionÂal damÂage to them unless they make it. This buildÂing in no way honÂors their loved ones killers nor does it spit on their graves. It is the famÂiÂlies and many citÂiÂzens of this counÂtry who are CREATING this conÂtroÂverÂsy. This buildÂing could have been built and used withÂout any issue whatÂsoÂevÂer, instead peoÂple have picked it up and made it a politÂiÂcal issue. Don’t you think the fact that there is still nothÂing but rubÂble in that site more a disÂgrace?
Mike, I like what your tryÂing to say but I realÂly think it is unfair and unreÂalÂisÂtic to ask Faisal to conÂvince a theocÂraÂcy like SauÂdi AraÂbia to put more alterÂnate reliÂgious sites on their land. If you are referÂring to most othÂer MidÂdle EastÂern counÂtries then there is litÂtle probÂlem for peoÂple of othÂer faiths to pracÂtice, even Iran.
HelÂlo Jon:
I don’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly disÂagree with you. The botÂtom line though is — whether you agree with them or not — a lot of peoÂple find a mosque at this site to be inapÂproÂpriÂate. I can underÂstand their posiÂtion too.
My point is, howÂevÂer, that if the CorÂdoÂba peoÂple truÂly want to build bridges with non-MusÂlims — and I think that is a good thing — they seem to be hamÂstringÂing themÂselves by pushÂing forÂward with this project at this locaÂtion.
I am all for reliÂgious tolÂerÂance. I am anarÂchist and BudÂdhist. All I can underÂstand from this sceÂnario is that some leadÂers try to take advanÂtage of the curÂrent gloomy politÂiÂcal cliÂmate and the rise of the far right (which is proÂmotÂed in the mass media) in order to cause more diviÂsion and secÂtarÂiÂanÂism. It’s the well known tacÂtic of divide and rule that the rulÂing class uses in order to mainÂtain its interÂests. Since peoÂple will not be able to underÂstand that a God does not reside in walls and our leadÂers are nothÂing more but pawns of some powÂerÂful elites, expect hatred, bigÂotry and all this sitÂuÂaÂtion to go on and on.
Just because you are ALLOWED to do someÂthing, does that mean you SHOULD?
“besides makÂing an irraÂtional emoÂtionÂal appeal, what posÂsiÂble harm could this comÂmuÂniÂty cenÂter have on the site, the city, or this counÂtry? It is a buildÂing that hapÂpens to belong to peoÂple of the same reliÂgion that these hijackÂers corÂruptÂed to destroy that buildÂing. PeoÂple lost loved ones and are not thinkÂing with a ratioÂnal mind.” What are you, a robot? Or made of stone? WithÂout this irraÂtional emoÂtion, we would not be human. You clearÂly don’t know what a secÂondary assault is, or maybe you do and it has turned you cold. ImagÂine lisÂtenÂing to a recordÂing of “I’ll be home for ChristÂmas” on the emerÂgency phone line airÂlines tell you to call while tryÂing to conÂfirm your only son and his wife who was schedÂuled to be on that flight, you just watched DIE on t.v and prayÂing for a mirÂaÂcle that someÂhow they missed their flight and are actuÂalÂly safe. You clearÂly don’t know what it feels like to walk by ground zero on your way to work everyÂday and feel heart wrenchÂing pain when your child says “HelÂlo MomÂmy & DadÂdy” every time she passÂes by. Excuse me for being irraÂtionalÂly emoÂtionÂalÂly, but I have deserved that right.
With that said irraÂtional emoÂtionÂal rant out of the way, I do believe it in the conÂstiÂtuÂtion and the right of the CorÂdoÂba to build a mosque because as a folÂlowÂer of Christ, I have been taught the imporÂtance of reliÂgious tolÂerÂance. UnirÂraÂtionalÂly emoÂtionÂalÂly speakÂing, we need to should show it to those who do not show it to us. Why? Because we need to rise ABOVE them and be the betÂter man. (That doesÂn’t mean I forÂgive them, but it is not my duty to forÂgive, they will have to take that up with God).
It is easy for peoÂple to protest what they do not underÂstand (buildÂing of Mosques in othÂer states) “Islam is terÂror” when do you hear POSITIVE things about Islam in the news? That is NOT my fault. I don’t creÂate the news, I just watch it, read it, lisÂten to it and base my opinÂion on what is preÂsentÂed to me.
In conÂcluÂsion, Hanoch said it best: “This is not a demonÂstraÂtion of reliÂgious intolÂerÂance; it is a disÂtaste for the lack of senÂsiÂtivÂiÂty to AmerÂiÂcan famÂiÂlies who sufÂfered tremenÂdous lossÂes at the hands of MusÂlim fanatÂics who actÂed in the name of Islam”
10 years is not enough time to for some to heal. Give the AmerÂiÂcan peoÂple more time. Go build your mosques someÂwhere else, or if you are going to do it there, give us more time. A lot more time.
AmerÂiÂca is a 100% chrisÂtÂian counÂtry. Yes AmerÂiÂca is a free counÂtry but they are misÂusÂing the freeÂdom if they will let the musÂlims build a mosque near ground zero. Just like how one musÂlim said that we are testÂing the amerÂiÂcans, Why dont we as chrisÂtians test the musÂlims by askÂing them if chrisÂtians can build a church in SauÂdi AreÂbia?
In my opinÂion so far musÂlims are not peace lovÂing people.They are so farÂnatÂics.
Just read the ConÂstiÂtuÂtion:
“ConÂgress shall make no law respectÂing an estabÂlishÂment of reliÂgion, or proÂhibitÂing the free exerÂcise thereÂof; or abridgÂing the freeÂdom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peoÂple peaceÂably to assemÂble, and to petiÂtion the govÂernÂment for a redress of grievÂances.”
Seems pretÂty straight forÂward to me.
ObviÂousÂly, if MusÂlims want a place of worÂship, they have the right to one and should not be impedÂed withÂout a legitÂiÂmate basis.
But the pheÂnomÂeÂnon you are describÂing is not, in my opinÂion, accuÂrateÂly described as reliÂgious intolÂerÂance. ReliÂgious intolÂerÂance, in my view, is an antipaÂthy towards anothÂer human being simÂply because his reliÂgious beliefs difÂfer from yours. I do not believe that sigÂnifÂiÂcant numÂbers of ChrisÂtÂian AmerÂiÂcans seek to perÂseÂcute othÂers – whether they be MusÂlims, Jews, or HinÂdus — because they don’t share their ChrisÂtÂian faith.
Rather, the motiÂvaÂtion of these proÂtestÂers – per the NY Times artiÂcle — is a perÂceived threat to their secuÂriÂty and AmerÂiÂcan ideals of freeÂdom. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, there are MusÂlims – perÂhaps a small minorÂiÂty of the total, but a sigÂnifÂiÂcant numÂber nevÂerÂtheÂless – who advoÂcate or conÂdone atroÂcious acts of vioÂlence and represÂsion. PeoÂple turn on their teleÂviÂsions and see things like PalesÂtiniÂans dancÂing in the streets after the 9/11 attacks; a fatÂwa issued for the death of an author because his novÂel offendÂed MusÂlim reliÂgious senÂsiÂbilÂiÂties; a filmÂmakÂer stabbed to death due to the perÂceived anti-MusÂlim conÂtent of his films; wide-scale destrucÂtion and riotÂing because of a silÂly newsÂpaÂper carÂtoon; bruÂtal stonÂings of young girls in “honÂor” killings; the preachÂing of death to Jews and infiÂdels withÂin mosques throughÂout the MidÂdle East; and the ceaseÂless attempts to tarÂget WestÂern counÂtries for terÂror attacks (and the list could go much furÂther). Not surÂprisÂingÂly, after years of this, many AmerÂiÂcans become worÂried, and inciÂdents like those you point to occur. You can plauÂsiÂbly argue that these proÂtestÂers are unfairÂly paintÂing with too broad a brush in terms of the source of such threats – and I’d wager you’d be right – but I see a difÂferÂence between reliÂgious intolÂerÂance and a perÂceived threat to one’s secuÂriÂty and way of life.
RegardÂing the CorÂdoÂba IniÂtiaÂtive mosque, again, my point is not to defend or advoÂcate for its critÂics. Rather, it is to express my bewilÂderÂment that an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion that is attemptÂing to build bridges would proÂceed as it is in the face of so much disÂagreeÂment. How can that posÂsiÂbly conÂtribute to their goals? Indeed, if I had to, I would guess that Cordoba’s intranÂsiÂgence is likeÂly doing a fair amount of harm to the process of recÂonÂcilÂiÂaÂtion in this counÂtry. Can you imagÂine movÂing into a neighÂborÂhood and, in the face of wide-spread oppoÂsiÂtion by your neighÂbors, paintÂing your house purÂple (no offense is meant to those with purÂple housÂes) – someÂthing you have a right to do — and then statÂing that the goal of your move was to build bridges with your neighÂbors? If the CorÂdoÂba peoÂple are indeed modÂerÂates who respect the reliÂgious faiths of othÂers and AmerÂiÂcan ideals, I wish them much sucÂcess; I just can’t fathÂom their politÂiÂcal sense.
It is sick…the whole thing. Allow peoÂple to grieve withÂout makÂing politÂiÂcal statements.…don’t add insult to injury.
DurÂing the demonÂstraÂtions opposÂing the 9/11 mosque project, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf declared to the press that the mosque will be built to encourÂage “Inter-Faith DiaÂlogue”, and it is not an act of defiÂance designed to underÂmine the pain inflictÂed by IslamÂic radÂiÂcals on all those who lost loved ones in the destrucÂtion of the Twin TowÂers in New York City.
If Imam Abdul Rauf strongÂly believes that Islam is a reliÂgion of “Peace & TolÂerÂance” dedÂiÂcatÂed to diaÂlogue, he should also head a project of buildÂing a church in the city of MecÂca-SauÂdi AraÂbia. The VatÂiÂcan is the seat of Catholic PowÂer repÂreÂsentÂing almost 1 bilÂlion ChrisÂtians, showed ChrisÂtÂian tolÂerÂance with deeds not words, by conÂvincÂing the City of Rome in 1974 to donate (absoluteÂly free) 32.000 squ.m of land in an area of Rome, less than 3 km away from St Peter’s BasilÂiÂca known as “The Pope DioÂcese”, to build a mosque and an IslamÂic CulÂturÂal CenÂtre to encourÂage “Inter-Faith DiaÂlogue”. The inauÂguÂraÂtion of the mosque took place on June 21, 1995, and the mosque’s conÂstrucÂtion was financed by king Faisal of SauÂdi AraÂbia, head of the SauÂdi royÂal famÂiÂly, as well as CusÂtoÂdiÂan of the Two Holy Mosques.
Isn’t it time for Imam Abdul Rauf to conÂvince the SauÂdi King to lift the absolute ban imposed on buildÂing churchÂes anyÂwhere in the KingÂdom, espeÂcialÂly MecÂca. If any perÂson is interÂestÂed on knowÂing why the ban does exist, he/she should conÂsult the folÂlowÂing link:
I am a Greek ChrisÂtÂian orthoÂdox. I see the whole matÂter in a difÂferÂent way.
Instead of arguÂing about buildÂing or not a mosque in ground zero, I would proÂpose to encourÂage the buildÂing of not only a mosque, but temÂples of othÂer reliÂgious too, in this very point. A World ReliÂgion CenÂter.
Ground Zero is a place where we must pray. EveryÂbody in his own lanÂguage, and in his own way. Only I wish those temÂples should be humÂble and gravÂing, matchÂing with the rubÂbles. I could not imagÂine a gloÂriÂous mosque or a gloÂriÂous church. And –why not- a corÂner for the atheÂist. To sit and think.
The imporÂtant thing is not what you do, but how you do it.
If I am well informed, much of the place is givÂen back to comÂmerÂcial use. THIS is most annoyÂing to me. And a cerÂtain memoÂrÂiÂal … Very pracÂtiÂcal. It doesn’t waist much place.
ReliÂgious tolÂerÂance simÂply must go…or this counÂtry will get steamÂrolled by men who haven’t seen their chins in decades and women who are uncomÂfortÂably entombed in beeÂkeepÂer suits. MusÂlims show no sign of takÂing their reliÂgion less seriÂousÂly, which has led to all kinds of human sufÂferÂing. A reliÂgion of peace? Don’t make me fall off my chair. And don’t profÂfer IslamÂic apoloÂgetÂics. It’s realÂly embarÂrassÂing that human beings such as this exist. I mean, 3.5 bilÂlion years of evoÂluÂtion — to get to this?! And, as much as it pains me to admit this, Bill O’ReilÂly was corÂrect: MusÂlims did attack us on 9/11. If you think this is ridicuÂlous (and, for the record, the great majorÂiÂty of what O’ReilÂly says is ridicuÂlous), I encourÂage you to read the tranÂscripts of UnitÂed AirÂlines Flight 93 that day. This Allah guy must realÂly be someÂthing, huh? ReliÂgion equaled vioÂlence, all for the belief that one could soon enjoy what can only be described as an al fresÂco cathouse. “Step right this way guys. Dozens of naked virÂgins to choose from! That flowÂing rivÂer of sinÂgle-malt scotch? It’s on the house! What? No, your facial hair will only tickÂle their muffins — not irriÂtate them — even those girls who would be irriÂtatÂed if they were flesh-and-blood women. And, here in Islamapoon-tang, a no-pregÂnanÂcy and no-disÂease guarÂanÂtee! Yeah, dudes, we’re in heavÂen!” AbsoluteÂly bogÂgles the synapsÂes. The real quesÂtion here: Is Allah the pimp in this sceÂnario or simÂply a Hugh HefnÂer-like host? But enough of this fleshy merÂriÂment. I’ve read enough of the Qur’an and the hadith to know the score as a non-believÂer: I will either be conÂvertÂed to Islam, killed as an infiÂdel, or put into slavÂery. Hey, I’ve got choicÂes! I canÂnot — and will nevÂer — tolÂerÂate such a reliÂgion.