Journalism for Our Century

As jour­nal­ists try to find their foot­ing in the new dig­i­tal envi­ron­ment, News21, a Carnegie and Knight ini­tia­tive, has start­ed “incu­bat­ing” eight jour­nal­ism schools across the coun­try and help­ing stu­dents devel­op new forms of inves­tiga­tive report­ing in mul­ti­me­dia for­mats. Above, we have Spilling Over, a piece of dig­i­tal report­ing that lays bare the emo­tion­al toll the BP Oil spill has tak­en on a Louisiana com­mu­ni­ty. The eight minute video report was assem­bled by a News21 team at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na. NPR has more on the News21 project, and the News21 web­site fea­tures oth­er stu­dent projects. H/T to Mike S. for anoth­er superb find…

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