Watch Andrei Tarkovsky’s Films Free Online: Stalker, The Mirror & Andrei Rublev

The stench of Vladimir Putin and his inva­sion of Ukraine should­n’t taint every­thing Russ­ian, espe­cial­ly some of its finest cin­e­ma. So we’ll give you this heads up: Mos­film, the largest and old­est film stu­dio in Rus­sia, has post­ed sev­er­al major films by Andrei Tarkovsky (1932–1986), on its offi­cial YouTube channel. Above, you can watch Stalk­er, which we’ve cov­ered amply here on Open Cul­ture. Below, stream The Mir­ror, Andrei Rublev, and Ivan’s Child­hood.

The Mir­ror

Andrei Rublev


Ivan’s Child­hood

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Mas­ter­ful Polaroid Pic­tures Tak­en by Film­mak­er Andrei Tarkovsky

Tarkovsky’s Advice to Young Film­mak­ers: Sac­ri­fice Your­self for Cin­e­ma

Andrei Tarkovsky Calls Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey a “Pho­ny” Film “With Only Pre­ten­sions to Truth

Slavoj Žižek Explains the Artistry of Andrei Tarkovsky’s Films: Solaris, Stalk­er & More

Watch Stalk­er, Andrei Tarkovsky’s Mind-Bend­ing Mas­ter­piece Free Online

Andrei Tarkovsky’s Mas­ter­piece Stalk­er Gets Adapt­ed into a Video Game


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Comments (110)
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  • pedant says:

    This is great news, and many thanks for doing it — but what’s with the mis­spelling of Tarkovsky’s name in the URL?

  • Thornton says:


  • Fan­tas­tic news! Tarkovsky’s my favorite — so glad to know I can watch his films any time. Also glad that there are at least three oth­er human beings aware of his work!

    Won­der­ful blog, as well!

  • Chris says:

    Am I miss­ing some­thing, or are these sans sub­ti­tles?

  • Some Guy says:

    Hate to tell you but these are NOT pub­lic domain or Cre­ative Com­mons licensed. In the US or Rus­sia. I wish they were, but no.

    And some even have Cri­te­ri­on logos. Cri­te­ri­on is not some mega­cor­po­ra­tion and does the film world great ser­vice in pre­serv­ing such films. Their prof­itabil­i­ty and sus­tain­abi­ity mar­gins are not wide. Things like this do their oper­a­tions harm.

  • zwgraphiki says:

    I appre­ci­ate this direc­tor so much espe­cial­ly cause I dis­cov­ered him by chance (in my uni’s library) and I spent so many hours in the library watch­ing again and again Rublev I even remem­ber quotes (in Russ­ian too). Saba­ka!! (the jeal­ous monk to the dog before he kills it…).Not to men­tion how many scenes are stuck in my mind from that movies (the fire, the young bell mak­er yelling, the poor jester in the rain, the finale with the ortho­dox icon mon­tage..). I have watched doc­u­men­taries about him cause I was curi­ous. He died young but he left us with so much to dis­cuss and think and he did have a voice of his own that I see oth­er direc­tors sort of copy now, dare I say (espe­cial­ly the cin­e­mat­ic poet­ic device of one scene in slow motion, I think Tarkovsky was one of the first to use it). To me he seems to delib­er­ate­ly urg­ing the craft against any ‘log­i­cal’ sequence of sto­ry­telling but not cause he wants to appear cool like some todays direc­tors, it was his own gen­uine way of think­ing and prac­tic­ing art. And he seemed relaxed about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of not being ‘per­fect’ (he did­nt like his Solaris film). I know nobody alive direc­tor who is that down to earth and hon­est about his own work and cin­e­ma in gen­er­al (Tarkovsky said it is very expen­sive art). His advice to young direc­tors was ”do not dif­fer­en­ti­ate your work from the kind of life you have”. Tarkovsky’s best movies are about issues he him­self under­stood well (the dying direc­tor, the immi­grant life, the search for some­thing ‘else’, the reuni­fi­ca­tion with loved ones, so many themes he knew from his own bio). But today you see direc­tors mak­ing movies with­out know­ing their sub­ject well, only tech­ni­cal abil­i­ties and no intel­lec­tu­al input (talk­ing about con­tem­po­rary new­er Ger­man cin­e­ma, to give an exam­ple). The far east cul­tures are the only ones pro­duc­ing now any fresh looks on cin­e­mat­ic art.

  • Lars says:

    These films are ripped direct­ly from Cri­te­ri­on DVDs — you can clear­ly see the logo and this is nei­ther pub­lic domain or CC prop­er­ty. Peo­ple have noti­fied Cri­te­ri­on so I trust they will get in touch with Film Annex and have them removed. In the mean­time I think this post should be removed too — adver­tis­ing ille­gal rips is sure­ly not the mes­sage you’re look­ing to pro­mote?

  • Erik says:

    It’s with­out sub­ti­tles?

  • Don Alex says:

    Hey, Lars and the Some Guy — gosh­ers, you both must be keen­ly proud of your­selves for your obses­sive con­cern over the pro­tec­tion of Cri­te­ri­on’s copy­rights. We sure would­nt want any­one watch­ing a 45 year old film for FREE when they should be pay­ing stu­dio suits for that priv­i­lege. God, we just admire the HELL out of you both!!

    Are you both feel­ing proud enough yet, fel­las, or should we send you both ros­es in grat­i­tude for your crack detec­tive work? Ahh well, Im sure youre already on your way to scan­ning YouTube for videos to report, so dont let me stop ya, kids. Try not to get your super­hero capes caught in your pant zip­pers, k? ;)

  • David says:

    Thanks for post­ing this. Does any­one know where or how can we get at least Eng­lish sub­ti­tles for Stalk­er? I want­ed to under­stand any­thing from what they are say­ing the the movie does not have sub­ti­tles at all…

  • RichofSpirit says:


    Oh, please. Give me a break. “Wah! Free isn’t good enough!” You nig­gling lit­tle infant.

  • kn33ch41 says:

    That’s great!!!

  • Eren Gulfidan says:

    David, are you look­ing at the right videos? Stalk­er does have Eng­lish sub­ti­tles. Part 1: and Part 2:

  • Maila says:

    its nt work­ing =(

  • Brad RZ says:

    Don Alex- Cri­te­ri­on are a SMALL, inde­pen­dent com­pa­ny, unaf­fil­i­at­ed with any stu­dio, that focus­es almost exclu­sive­ly on cost­ly restora­tions of niche releas­es that would oth­er­wise be under-rep­re­sent­ed or ignored by the mass mar­ket.

    As an ear­li­er poster said, their oper­at­ing expens­es are high, and their prof­it mar­gins are low. There’s actu­al­ly more expense involved in pro­duc­ing a high-qual­i­ty trans­fer of a “45 year old film” than most would imag­ine.

    They count on the sales from a hand­ful of pop­u­lar licensed titles to cov­er the costs of releas­ing films that they believe are cul­tur­al­ly impor­tant, but unlike­ly to turn a prof­it.

    To brand Cri­te­ri­on as “stu­dio suits” or rep­re­sen­ta­tives of “cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca” is igno­rant and mis­in­formed. They are any­thing but.

  • David says:

    Yes, the new post­ed links with Stalk­er split in two, have sub­ti­tles. This morn­ing’s one big file (no split) came with­out sub­ti­tles.

  • Marc says:

    This is a great resource, assum­ing it’s legit or can be made so. Cri­te­ri­on (as well as the oth­er com­pa­nies dis­trib­ut­ing these films in the US) do dif­fi­cult, expen­sive work keep­ing this sort of stuff in cir­cu­la­tion, and this sort of dis­tri­b­u­tion needs to be approved by them. At the Cri­te­ri­on-asso­ci­at­ed web­site, there are hun­dreds of inter­na­tion­al cin­e­ma clas­sics, avail­able to watch, some for free. I’m assum­ing they’d want these films avail­able for that pur­pose, but if they’re cool with film annex’s post­ing them, all the bet­ter.

  • zwgraphici says:

    Per­haps ‘Cri­te­ri­on’ will agree the screen­ings online are for the ben­e­fit of all par­ties involved. Real­ly Cri­te­ri­on does a great job and I have pur­chased Waida’s ‘Kanal’ from them and am very thrilled with the qual­i­ty. You know for us old cin­e­ma lovers qual­i­ty is every­thing cause many times these movies come with bad qual­i­ty whether in cin­e­ma or tv… Here is Cri­te­ri­on’s web­site

  • FD says:

    Per­haps Cri­te­ri­on would like to make avail­able a Pay­Pal dona­tion page for vol­un­tary fund­ing for their work.

    Does any­one know if they have one? Per­son­al­ly, I would like to donate some mon­ey, after hav­ing watched one of these films.

  • FD says:

    I say that because I would like look on the work they do as a pub­lic good, and as a ser­vice to the intel­lec­tu­al com­mons. It is a great shame that they have to oper­ate on a com­mer­cial mod­el in order to do what they do — there should be arts fund­ing avail­able for the restora­tion and preser­va­tion of our world’s film her­itage.

  • PJ says:

    Giv­en the oth­er con­tent on their site, and the fact that most of the Tarkovsky stuff has already been tak­en down, I would be shocked if Film Annex actu­al­ly had any rights to show these films.

    And as for those who would like these films and all art to be avail­able for free, I’m all for it, so long as you give me free use and enjoy­ment of your house, car and bank account first.

  • Proman says:

    Tarkvsky might have been the best known sovi­et direc­tor but call­ing him the best would be a huge injus­tice to all the oth­er great sovi­et film­mak­er such as Ryazanov. Peo­ple who make such claims know noth­ing about Sovi­et cin­e­ma.

  • Anna says:

    A Bank account and a house can­not help with appreciating/discovering direc­tors like Tarkovsky and what they thought of cin­e­ma. Per­haps the only thing that can help on a free basis is a video­tape library (that’s I found about about Tarkovsky like I said). Sim­i­lar­ly Film Annex or online sites with films serve like libraries with FREE access where one can explore cin­e­ma. Even if some­one has a non offi­cial copy of a movie pro­duced by Cri­te­ri­on, with the Cri­te­ri­on logo every­where on it and the prob­lem find­ing good ver­sions of old movies, even a ‘pirate’ would con­sid­er it best to buy a cri­te­ri­on dvd than get more ille­gal copies… Cri­te­ri­on, besides, caters for the minor­i­ty of movie goers and dvd shop­pers (the ones who care for old cin­e­ma„ which aren’t as many as those who care for lat­est Hol­ly­wood) and there­fore ANY sort of pro­jec­tion of ‘old’ clas­sics would help the pub­lic know about them and become Cri­te­ri­on’s clients… Hence, even if it is ille­gal, Cri­te­ri­on still ben­e­fits and it would have been actu­al­ly a shame for Film Annex to show them online with­out Cri­te­ri­on’s logo (they give cred­it). It’s all good and for the ben­e­fit of Cri­te­ri­on and such com­pa­nies in a way…

  • FD says:


    That’s pret­ty imma­ture. There are viable mod­els com­ing into exis­tence for the dis­tri­b­u­tion and mon­e­ti­za­tion of con­tent which don’t rely on the prop­er­ty anal­o­gy.

    For movies that would oth­er­wise be out of cir­cu­la­tion, like this one, the mod­el can be a bit dif­fer­ent again to the ones that try to incen­tivize the pro­duc­tion of con­tent.

    Bank accounts, cars and pri­vate prop­er­ty can­not be mul­ti­plied recur­sive­ly and dis­trib­uted at almost zero cost. There are cer­tain­ly hard prob­lems to be solved in the future with how to con­tin­ue to incen­tivize the pro­duc­tion and preser­va­tion of con­tent, but anti­quar­i­an atti­tudes and smar­tass rhetor­i­cal points don’t address that at all.

  • Mike says:

    FD, that’s absurd. The con­tents of a bank account can indeed be mul­ti­plied recur­sive­ly and dis­trib­uted at almost zero cost. It’s called coun­ter­fit­ting. Copy­right hold­ers are not the only ones who store the val­ue they build up dur­ing a life­time of labor into “arti­fi­cial­ly scarce” instru­ments. Every­one who has ever toiled at a job in exchange for a pay­check has done pre­cise­ly the same thing. More­over, there is noth­ing “arti­fi­cial­ly” scarce about the allot­ment of time, health, and cre­ative ener­gy that is grant­ed by nature to each per­son who pro­duces cre­ative work. The fun­da­men­tal issue here is not “incen­tivi­sa­tion.” It is the ques­tion of jus­tice: If one man or woman invests time and labor to cre­ate some­thing of val­ue, is it just for some­one else to take it for free, sim­ply because they can?

  • FD says:

    The fun­da­men­tal issue is incen­tiviza­tion. The jurispru­dence of copy­right law jus­ti­fies the grant of a com­mer­cial monop­oly in an intel­lec­tu­al work explic­it­ly in order to incen­tivize the pro­duc­tion of intel­lec­tu­al works. That is the whole rea­son we have copy­right law.

    There is no robust case in favor of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty that relies sole­ly on jus­tice. Jus­tice only comes in grant­ed that there are com­mer­cial actions being per­formed on intel­lec­tu­al works.

    The argu­ment goes (went):

    IF there is going to be com­merce in intel­lec­tu­al goods THEN it is just that the author has a monop­oly on those goods.

    But if there is no longer com­merce in intel­lec­tu­al goods, there is no pur­chase for an argu­ment for fair­ness or jus­tice. Peo­ple can­not have an arbi­trary pri­ma facie right to police the actions per­formed on intel­lec­tu­al works after they are out of their hands. We could arbi­trar­i­ly stip­u­late an infi­nite num­ber of pos­si­ble rights besides copy­rights that authors might have been giv­en over their works if the con­di­tions in which copy­right was born had been dif­fer­ent, and lament the “injus­tice” that they do not present­ly have those rights. The only rea­son peo­ple are dis­posed to think of this issue as a ques­tion of jus­tice is because we are used to the idea of hav­ing a copy­right.

    If peo­ple can have no com­mer­cial expec­ta­tion from the sale of their works, because of the changed nature of the econ­o­my of infor­ma­tion, then they prob­a­bly should­n’t accrue costs in time health and ener­gy doing unpaid work. Con­trary to your por­trait of the per­se­cut­ed author, any­one who con­tin­ues to have an expec­ta­tion of finan­cial gain from intel­lec­tu­al labour in a world where copy­right law has become (much more than today) utter­ly inef­fec­tu­al, is being fool­ish and irre­spon­si­ble. It is sim­ply finan­cial­ly unwise. And if it’s finan­cial­ly unwise, most peo­ple won’t do it. So it real­ly does come down to incen­tiviza­tion. Such a world would have only those artists that can sup­port their cre­ative endeav­ors them­selves.

    Thank­ful­ly, that’s not where we’re head­ed, and it’s not what I’d sug­gest. I think the land­scape will prob­a­bly change a lot, and copy­right will become less inte­gral to a busi­ness mod­el based on intel­lec­tu­al works, but it’s pret­ty obvi­ous that there are still ways to mon­e­tize this stuff very effec­tive­ly, and remu­ner­ate authors, there­by incen­tiviz­ing their labour. It’s like­ly that there’ll be a dig­i­tal age ana­logue of copy­right, which grants rights to shares of a pub­lic fund pro­por­tion­ate to the pop­u­lar­i­ty of a work. It would be ben­e­fi­cial to try and imple­ment a mod­el like this soon­er rather than lat­er. The con­ser­vatism of the con­tent indus­tries is delay­ing that.

    So in answer to your final ques­tion, besides it being ille­gal, and there being a moral oblig­a­tion to obey the law, I do not see any pri­ma facie injus­tice in the infringe­ment of copy­right.

  • twiddledum says:

    The file-shar­ing debate is here­by buried. When we talk about file-shar­ing from now on it’s as one of many ways to copy. We talk about bet­ter and worse ways of index­ing, archiv­ing and copy­ing, not whether copy­ing is right or wrong. Win­ter is pour­ing down the hill­side. Make way for spring.

  • Mike says:

    More absur­di­ty. By your log­ic some­one could crank up the coun­ter­feit­ing machin­ery to full steam and there would be no “pri­ma facie injus­tice” in deflat­ing the life sav­ings of peo­ple who had toiled for decades to save the cur­ren­cy in a bank account or under a mat­tress. Rights exist to pro­tect indi­vid­u­als from the tyran­ny of the mob. Your insis­tence on fram­ing the issue through the con­cept of “incen­tiviza­tion” is a clas­sic exam­ple of the men­tal­i­ty of the unjust: You treat peo­ple as a means to an end (in this case, the means of pro­duc­ing the cul­ture­al works you want to con­sume) rather than an end in them­selves.

  • FD says:

    There is con­sid­er­ably more jus­ti­fi­ca­to­ry weight behind the main­te­nance of a nation­al econ­o­my, and the pro­hi­bi­tion of forgery, than there is behind the defense of copy­right. Soci­ety does not grind to a halt if artists are no longer giv­en an incen­tive to pro­duce work.

    Your anal­o­gy is false, but to it I offer anoth­er one. The out­look you pro­fess would have us pro­hib­it the avail­abil­i­ty of the elec­tric light­bulb because jus­tice demands that the chan­dler is owed a liv­ing.

    The tra­di­tion­al jurispru­dence of copy­right law, and indeed patent law too, frames the law in terms of incen­tiviza­tion. I’m not choos­ing to frame it that way. That’s the way jurists have since the Statute of Anne. If you have a con­cep­tu­al prob­lem with that, it is entire­ly yours.

  • Mike says:

    A per­son of con­science is mind­ful of the lives of any­one affect­ed by any trans­ac­tion. The fact that you would con­scious­ly deny eco­nom­ic jus­tice to a group of peo­ple whose prod­ucts you enjoy is con­temptible. My anal­o­gy of cur­ren­cy coun­ter­feit­ing was right on the mark; the rea­son peo­ple don’t stand for coun­ter­feit­ing is that cur­ren­cy val­ue affects vir­tu­al­ly every per­son on the plan­et, while only a minor­i­ty are pro­tect­ed by copy­right laws — a minor­i­ty vul­ner­a­ble to exploita­tion by the major­i­ty who are con­sumers. Your anal­o­gy of the can­dle maker/lighbulb is a pure idio­cy, and expos­es an inabil­i­ty to rea­son. We are not talk­ing about a group of peo­ple whose prod­ucts have become obso­lete by a new tech­nol­o­gy; we’re dis­cussing the rights of a group of peo­ple whose prod­ucts are still very much in demand and can now be read­i­ly stolen due to new tech­nol­o­gy. I can for­give stu­pid­i­ty, FD, but not the will­ful denial of jus­tice to peo­ple oth­er than your­self. This con­ver­sa­tion is over.

  • FD says:

    I don’t deny eco­nom­ic jus­tice to any­one. I think the equa­tion is clear. If there is no hope of remu­ner­a­tion for the pro­duc­tion of cul­tur­al items — if that expec­ta­tion is unjus­ti­fied, don’t both­er mak­ing them. Find some oth­er way of earn­ing an income. That’s the best way not to be exploit­ed. That’s how a free mar­ket works.

    Just to punc­ture your hys­ter­i­cal rhetoric: copy­right infringe­ment is not theft. Theft is a crime. Piece­meal infringe­ment is a tort. Tort is addressed not by pros­e­cu­tion but by lit­i­ga­tion. It is a civ­il mat­ter.

    Ignor­ing the tech­ni­cal­i­ties for a moment, it isn’t a theft in com­mon­sen­si­cal terms either. It is not an “unlaw­ful tak­ing” because it isn’t tak­ing. It’s copy­ing. Nobody gets deprived of the item on which the infringe­ment is per­formed. It’s impor­tant­ly dif­fer­ent from theft, and those dif­fer­ences speak to the very ori­gins of copy­right law, its involve­ment in the eco­nom­ics and meta­physics of intel­lec­tu­al works, and the dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion we find our­selves in now. To ignore them is to risk being whipped up by indus­try pro­pa­gan­da into a moral­is­tic fren­zy. Clear­er think­ing here is what is need­ed, and the license to con­sid­er the top­ic from as many angles as pos­si­ble, and not to rule out inno­v­a­tive ways of think­ing about it as “stu­pid,” indica­tive of a lack of “con­science,” “con­temptible.” That’s just an imma­ture way to have any dis­cus­sion.

    Final­ly, I can hold my breath for your for­give­ness. Your for­give­ness for hav­ing enough respect for you to dis­cuss an impor­tant issue with you over an inter­net com­ment stream. You have to for­give me because I dare to dis­agree with you, and speak my mind about it. LOL

  • kert says:

    Cool. I wish “Test pilota Pirxa” was avail­able some­wher as well.

  • visible says:

    I doubt there is no prob­lem for Cri­te­ri­on hav­ing these free to view online. The main point of their DVD releas­es is the qual­i­ty & often excel­lent extras. This online stuff does­n’t come close to the qual­i­ty of the DVDs. This is great ref­er­ence mate­r­i­al & might pull a few peo­ple new to these films who should go & buy the DVDs to see them in their full beau­ty.

  • aSinc says:

    La ques­tione dei dirit­ti d’au­tore è inevitabil­mente cen­trale nel­la cir­co­lazione delle opere audio­vi­sive ed entra pre­po­ten­te­mente in gio­co quan­do un’­opera supera i con­fi­ni del pro­prio baci­no lin­guis­ti­co. Dovrebbe essere la polit­i­ca cul­tur­ale a occu­par­si di risol­vere il nodo del supera­men­to delle bar­riere lin­guis­tiche attra­ver­so il doppi­ag­gio e/o il sot­toti­to­lag­gio des­ti­nan­do risorse adeguate in modo da favorire lo scam­bio cul­tur­ale tra i pae­si.

  • stumpy says:

    now its not free. epic fail.

  • Fleissenstein says:

    Con­sid­er­ing Tarkovsky’s been push­ing daisies for a damn long time, I think it’s pret­ty fun­ny to see peo­ple argue which team of lawyers should reap the ben­e­fit of work they did­n’t do, and are prob­a­bly younger than most of the films by Tarkovsky. Bunch of necrophil­i­acs.

  • Jason says:

    There are some works that should def­i­nite­ly be able to be viewed by every­one with­out cost. Tarkovsky’s films are impor­tant and time­less works of art that should be expe­ri­enced. I’m sure Cri­te­ri­on will be fine, even with these avail­able to watch online for free.

  • His work is mes­mer­iz­ing and dis­turb­ing. Thanks for the post.

  • Hi,
    I ordered the DVD awhile back from Ama­zon though it’s not meant to be avail­able until August. Is this the same release? The rea­son I ask is that if you fol­low the reviews on Ama­zon, you’ll see that a lot of peo­ple were very upset with the qual­i­ty and the fact that the movie had been bru­tal­ly edit­ed. BTW, it’s being sold by ‘Indi­go Starfish’, is this same release?


  • Mike says:

    Made dur­ing Com­mu­nist USSR era. No Copy­right. State owns it all. But dis­trib­uters may have rights to inter­na­tion­al dis­tri­b­u­tion.
    These would be akin to all the art and media owned/made by the U.S. gov­ern­ment. It is not copy­right­ed (all U.S. cit­i­zens own it) but, the Smith­son­ian, LOC, etc. may give the right to dis­trib­ute work. This is why you will see pho­tos and posters of WPA pho­tog­ra­phers for sale. Any­one can just down­load a high res­o­lu­tion TIFF of the same image and send it off to be print­ed at Cost­co for a few bucks.

  • Murtaza Ali says:

    Sounds real­ly awe­some. Tarkovsky has been a great ser­vant to Cin­e­ma, one who sin­gle-hand­ed­ly changed its face for the bet­ter. I myself have been a great fan of his oeu­vre and he’s been a great source of inspi­ra­tion behing my movie-review blog ‘A Pot­pour­ri of Ves­tiges’. Please fol­low the link to check­out my review of Stalk­er:

    A Pot­pour­ri of Ves­tiges’ Review of Stalk­er (1979)

  • Eric says:

    Just hope it’s going to stay there long enough.

  • CJ says:

    Thanks for mak­ing these avail­able. I was hop­ing to watch Nos­tal­gia, but the sub­ti­tles are in Span­ish. Is there not one with Eng­lish Sub­ti­tles as well? My Span­ish is not much bet­ter than my Ital­ian.

  • Arkadiusz Żelazny says:

    Anoth­er “good Russ­ian” with pol­ish ori­gins. That’s the way the cook­ies crum­bles.

  • TheMillionMen says:

    FD argues that copy­right is a null idea in terms of get­ting artis­tic labour paid for. It seems that if (in the present day) artists choose to work for noth­ing (because their out­put will not be paid for) then they are being social­ly irre­spon­si­ble. These argu­ments may well be log­i­cal­ly con­sis­tent (per­son­al­ly, I reserve judge­ment) but why should we desire a soci­ety based only on log­i­cal con­sis­ten­cy?
    Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any his­tor­i­cal exam­ples which demon­strate one of FD’s stat­ed, under­ly­ing premis­es: that soci­ety will not col­lapse if artists cease mak­ing art.
    It’s iron­ic that FD is able to demon­strate such self-impor­tance pre­cise­ly because of the per­sis­tence of art and, thus, those parts of the blo­gos­phere ded­i­cat­ed to it.

  • LeKevbo says:

    Con­sid­er this: I val­ue the work of Cri­te­ri­on in mak­ing impor­tant films look their best. I own sev­er­al of their DVDs. Now, I cur­rent­ly have no way to see Tarkovsky’s films but by the links pro­vid­ed (when they were func­tion­ing and fee-free) and I haven’t the dis­pos­able funds to just buy his films on DVD sight unseen. I’m many years out of film school and live where there are no art hous­es or video rental shops. 85 to 90 per­cent of the time, I buy DVDs only if I have pre­vi­ous­ly seen and enjoyed a film through some oth­er means. Take away the oppor­tu­ni­ty for some­one like me to see films like these for free and I more than like­ly will nev­er be buy­ing DVDs of those titles in the future. No mon­ey will ever go to any direc­tors, lawyers, stu­dios or Cri­te­ri­on at all. An oppor­tu­ni­ty for prof­it is lost due to short­sight­ed pun­ish­ment of choosy/frugal poten­tial cus­tomers and the web­sites they favor.

    tl;dr: Self-appoint­ed copy­right snitch­es may be doing every­one a dis­ser­vice despite their inten­tions.

  • Cri­te­ri­on or Not: the YouTube ver­sion linked to is in no way equal in qual­i­ty or def­i­n­i­tion to the DVD, has no sub­ti­tle or lan­guage menus, hence it serves as an induce­ment to go to your friend­ly neigh­bor­hood Pub­lic Library and Make You Own Rips!!!

  • Harold Coat Hanger says:

    Tarkovsky was scrupu­lous that his films be watched in a cin­e­ma — this is a pret­ty poor way of watch­ing them. If you want to watch great films you should get a pro­jec­tor and a screen (or project them on a wall) — dead cheap these days, I have had one for years. The box set was only £12 (cheap­skates could find oth­er means).

  • Jeremy says:

    ^As if you can’t hook up your pc to your HDTV. It’s what a do, but I nev­er usu­al­ly watch films on youtube unless they are uploaded at the high­est qual­i­ty avail­able. Hell, I’ve seen videos on youtube that look bet­ter than cer­tain videos on Net­flix. It’s ridicu­lous.

  • Wow- what an amaz­ing site.
    Thanks for you ded­i­ca­tion to con­tin­ude learn­ing. thank you

  • T S Dhakshinamurthy says:

    With­out join­ing the dis­cus­sion on free-screen­ing vs the inter­ests of Cri­te­ri­on, I only wish to say that Tarkovsky’s access to and mas­tery of sub-con­scious­ness is astound­ing and for me he is the best film-mak­er ever in my life time.

  • benc says:

    Just watch his films you hyper­bol­ic wankers

  • Svetlana says:

    I am so hap­py! My list of favourites: Tarkovsky first, then 9 emp­ty places, then every­body else!!!

  • Noah says:

    Great thing putting this online, it’s a must see for every­one, his films car­ry so much raw emo­tion­al pow­er and intel­lec­tu­al depth at the same time.

    You do seem to have for­got­ten “The Sac­ri­fice” though :)

  • Astor says:

    Jeezas! I had no idea these were avail­able for legal­ly like this! Awe­some. Many thanks!

  • Claire says:

    I’ve always want­ed to check out his work. Now I have no excuse. Thanks!

  • Simon Wigley says:

    What’s inter­est­ing is that Cri­te­ri­on, for fair­ness, should be com­pen­sat­ed even though they don’t hold the copy­right! The fact is that copy­right — not the right to asso­ciate one’s name with one’s work, but the right to treat a cre­ative work like a side of beef — is non­sense, and has results counter to those which I’m sure *all* par­ties to the debate want, that cre­ative peo­ple should feel reward­ed for the work they do, that a good liv­ing be had, but at the same time their work get to the com­mu­ni­ty as cheap­ly and wide­ly as pos­si­ble. Copy­right was a cyn­i­cal his­tor­i­cal acci­dent. Per­haps we could con­sid­er oth­er mod­els. How, for exam­ple, are aca­d­e­mics reward­ed?


    • Pavel Axentiev says:

      There was no copy­right in the USSR, because every creator/author/performer (at least those who were accept­ed by the sys­tem) was receiv­ing a pay­check from the gov­ern­ment. In the mod­ern world, peo­ple some­how seem to expect that most artists should pro­duce their work for free. That’s sim­ply dis­re­spect­ful. The main prob­lem with copy­right, as I see, was/is that most of the rev­enues were received by those who had way less to do with the pro­duc­tion of the work than the artists them­selvs — such as RIAA, etc. The elec­tron­ic media now offer a vari­ety of means to pro­mote one’s work, such as indie labels, per­son­al web­sites, etc. If you want, you can put out your work for free using a cre­ative com­mons license or what have you. But I don’t think one should be shamed if one choos­es to sell one’s work and pro­tect one’s copy­right, if one wants to.

  • Ruth says:

    Hmmm, Nos­tal­ghia is still that span­ish sub­ti­tled ver­sion on youtube. I am dis­ap­point.

  • Rafa Ga says:

    Oh my god! 2 year has passed and every­one writes “Tarkovsky” and is Tarkovs­ki… (yeah, I know, it´s just a Y instead of a I, but, comme on! hes like my father) xD

    • Ben says:

      Both ‘i’ or ‘y’ are accept­able pho­net­ic trans­la­tions for the Russ­ian u0438u0439 (u0422u0430u0440u043au043eu0301u0432u0441u043au0438u0439), pro­nounced ‘ee’.

  • movie says:

    Andrei Tarkovsky (1932–1986) firm­ly posi­tioned him­self as the finest Sovi­et direc­tor of the post-War peri­od. But his influ­ence extend­ed well beyond the Sovi­et Union. The Cahiers du ciné­ma con­sis­tent­ly ranked his films on their top ten annu­al lists.

  • Demet Yüksel says:

    Tarkovs­ki in the Andrei Rublev char­ac­ter make feel us most of the themes that he has always pas­sion. Andrei Rublev is an unfor­get­table char­ac­ter about free­dom and search­ing himself(includes loos­ing and finding),reaching com­pe­tence in the art with matur­ing of soul, inter­ro­gat­ing him­self with con­sum­ing all the pos­si­bil­i­ties and liv­ing the spir­i­tu­al sat­is­fac­tion. He’s a com­pli­cat­ed soul/On the way of wis­dom he nev­er eas­i­ly escape and he car­ries all his life the mot­to of”KNOWLEDGE BRINGS SADNESS”. He’s an exi­c­it­ing char­ac­ter that you will under­stand his deci­sions on his own way are very fit­ing and poet­i­cal.

  • Miles Bader says:

    Stalk­er is not watch­able on a ipad; the error mes­sage says some­thing like “not view­able on a portable device” and rec­om­mends you put it on your to-watch list and lat­er wach it on a com­put­er … Of course, sound does­n’t work on my com­put­er… ><

    What the hell is the point of such a restric­tion?!

  • no says:

    The point of said restric­tion is that it’s a dis­grace to watch his work on a ipad. It is no one’s fault but your own that the sound on your com­put­er does not work. Watch it the way it was intend­ed rather than on a fuck­ing ipad.

    • nate says:

      on an ipad! oh no!

      • Doc Strange says:

        with high qual­i­ty head­phones a reti­na iPad is great way to watch movies. In a dark room, the prox­im­i­ty and def­i­n­i­tion equate a larg­er screen fur­ther away. Try it. A great film is still great seen this way. It takes only a few sec­onds to get lost in the world.

    • Andru says:

      Snob­bery sucks. Also, the “way it was intend­ed” was on a freak­ing cin­e­ma screen, not a tele­vi­sion, so I’d be sur­prised if you’re not already falling foul of your own douchebag­gery.

  • Johanna says:

    It’s say­ing: an error occured please try again lat­er.
    Is it still online?

  • Wee Gee says:

    Last night I could watch Solaris on my iPad … and now sud­den­ly I can’t … … WHAT HAPPENED?!

    * (BTW — ‘no’ … nei­ther you nor your ‘fuck­ing’ soap-box will be required for this one … Xx

  • Simon says:

    Re: The point of said restric­tion is that it’s a dis­grace to watch his work on a iPad.

    I can’t think why. It is quite pos­si­ble to get a bet­ter visu­al expe­ri­ence from a good qual­i­ty dig­i­tal source, viewed on a recent (high­er res­o­lu­tion) iPad, than from many of the prints shown in cin­e­mas. The same is true of the sound.

    Between the whin­ing about the pre­sumed copy­right infringe­ments, the hand-wring­ing over the fate of Cri­te­ri­on, and the dik­tats about how one ought to view his films, I’ve almost been put off watch­ing any­thing by Tarkovsky again. What a pre­cious bunch of peo­ple.

  • baotzebao says:

    Great New. Tx

  • Daniella says:

    Great­est direc­tor of all time.

  • Sergey Malovatov says:

    It is a great film, indeed!nnnAndrei Tarkovsky (1932 — 1986), who had firm­ly posi­tionednhim­self as the finest Sovi­et direc­tor of the post-War peri­od, incor­po­rat­ed the most trag­ic moments of his life expe­ri­ence into a stream-of-con­scious­ness-like man­ner of nar­rat­ing a sto­ry of his life, which he him­self increas­ing­ly viewednas devoid of any mean­ing­ful nar­ra­tive of a sto­ry, in a film, which he called a nightmare.nnnThe Mir­ror is a film about the final hours of the author u2013 a dying man in his for­ties u2013 that are being spent in hal­lu­ci­na­tions about his child­hood and his moth­er, about him­self as a child and a grown man, and about his lover. nnnThe bright­est moments of his life weren­float­ing across his mind where he could no longer dis­tin­guish between him­self as the child and as the father. He could no longer dis­tin­guish between his moth­er, his wife, and his lover. All became one. Every­thing was inter­min­gled­nand con­fused.

  • hetty says:

    I could not get the subtitles…but Tarkovsky was top class when it comes to film­mak­ing, and I do not think he would mind one bit that his films are out in pub­lic domain for ‘free’. He was quite sim­ply a genius.

  • damian says:

    Too bad the subs in The Mir­ror (maybe even in all films) are poor. A lot of words are skipped. Is this so on the orig­i­nal DVD as well?

  • Meghnad kulkarni says:


  • john pacheco says:

    Están sub­ti­t­u­ladas al español ???

  • says:

    I am also very inter­est­ed to know if they are sub­ti­tled in Span­ish. I know it’s not the same than see­ing and lis­ten­ing in the orig­i­nal lan­guage, but I need span­ish sub­ti­tles until I learn a lit­tle more Eng­lish :)
    Thanks in advance!

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  • Mark says:

    is there an email list to sign on to ?

  • Gueorgi says:

    Where is Offret?

  • Sanja Plavsic-Brandt says:

    u0445u0432u0430u043bu0430 u0431u043eu0433u0443 u043fu0430 u0440u0430u0437u0443u043cu0435u043c u0438 u0440u0443u0441u043au0438…u043au043eu043bu0438u043au043e u043du0435u043cu0430u0458u0443 u043fu043eu0458u043cu0430 u043eu0432u0438 u0437u0430u043fu0430u0434u045au0430u0446u0438 !! the mas­ter, tarkovsky, final­ly online. all of it.

  • notthatdave says:

    That’s patent pro­tec­tion. Copy­right pro­tec­tion pro­tects cre­ative works like films and books. Patent pro­tec­tion pro­tects inven­tions. They’re very dif­fer­ent.

  • Eve says:

    Where is The Sac­ri­fice?

  • CRAP! says:

    Please this is NOT the way to expe­ri­ence any of Tarkovsky’s work.

    The only way is on the big screen or at least a Blu-Ray copy if pos­si­ble.


  • Maga says:

    Haha, I guess that those who will watch those movies only because they are free will be dis­ap­point­ed.

  • Ivan R says:

    A moron who can’t get a link right. True cul­ture!

  • Douglas Bowker says:

    Copy­right issues aside, the qual­i­ty and res­o­lu­tion offered here is even less than stan­dard DVD, let alone HD or Blu-Ray. A pret­ty poor way of view­ing such mas­ter­pieces…

  • Zemira says:

    Yes, very dis­ap­point­ing.

  • Kem says:

    Bore off and let every­one enjoy Tarkovsky.

  • Ieva says:

    Tarkovsky lived in Sovi­et Union, but he was nev­er a sovi­et film direc­tor.

  • sergio says:

    Four :)

  • Thomas Bulté says:

    i’ve wait­ed too long and now they’re all gone! but at the cor­ner of my street is a library and i know they own a copy of solaris. so maybe stalk­er is avail­able there too. i must watch this film, because my girl­friend said so. will put on my shoes for the intel­li­gen­tia and have me a stroll towards the pub­lic library soon. then i will eat a pra­line from neuhaus.

  • Pavel gromnic says:

    I have nev­er recov­ered from the cir­cum­stances of my ear­ly life as a poor, igno­rant, fearful,and repressed indi­vid­ual. I feel pret­ty strong­ly now that these dis­ad­van­tages dis­abled me from growth as a knowl­edge­able per­son. I have strug­gled to com­pre­hend the world around me. And now, at almost sev­en­ty years old, I feel at last com­ing to peace with the con­fused world around me. Open Cul­ture and oth­er very help­ful, gen­er­ous sources have been a great con­so­la­tion to me. The only work I have now is to find a peace­ful death.

  • lena savic says:

    Thank you for your offer and work. Can you please tell me how I can actu­al­ly watch Tarkovsky free online? Where are links?
    Best Regards,

  • David Kantor says:

    Are Tarkovsky’s films all in the pub­lic domain? Do I need to get per­mis­sion to use short clips in a doc­u­men­tary I’m pro­duc­ing?

  • Stan says:

    All of these (bar Ivan’s Child­hood) have been tak­en down and are now paid for films on YouTube.

  • Rose says:

    Hey, it looks like the links lead to videos which have been tak­en down!

  • Richard says:

    Hey, yes, the links have changed over time. You can find the cor­rect ones at

  • Pietro says:

    Hi. 10 years lat­er all those films are pri­vate. :(

  • Mischell says:

    Pornog­ra­phy is free but Tarkovsky’ and Bergman’ movies you have to pay for — this is what our world has come to. Shame ..
    Who gets the mon­ey for Tarkovsky’s movies Maybe his fam­i­ly ? Nope
    Freak­ing stream­ing giants thieves such as Ama­zon

  • milan says:

    “The stench of Vladimir Putin and his inva­sion of Ukraine shouldn’t taint every­thing Russ­ian…”

    Was this real­ly nec­es­sary? Because the stench of the White House Sex Preda­tors is matched only by Vat­i­can.

  • milan says:

    I don’t know, one would think, with the name “Open Cul­ture”, they would be open-mind­ed and with an accent on cul­ture.

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