This morning, the Swiss rejected US requests to extradite Roman Polanksi. This decision effectively brings to a close a rather dark chapter in his personal life and lets the conversation return to his filmmaking. Enter our video above, which features Polanski talking about the making of Chinatown, his 1974 neo-noir film, starring Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, and John Huston, that landed eleven Academy Award nominations. Thanks Mike for sending this our way…
I love this website; I don’t love the first few lines of your intro. Just because he’s not being extradited doesn’t mean we can just put it all behind us and focus on his career. They’re not mutually exclusive, and justice still hasn’t been served.
Regarding the issue of justice, you might be interested in reading the opinions of the victim herself, in a 2003 OpEd piece she wrote for the Los Angeles Times:
True enough, I didn’t mean to suggest that the issues are mutually exclusive. I more think the personal/legal acts (which were downright horrendous) have made it difficult to talk about his body of work, especially during the past year…
I´m afraid that is not possible to separate the two.
Can you really go on watching Roman P. movies without acknowledging the fact that he is a condemned sexual predator?
I can´t.
It is unfortunate for him that he will have to die before we will look at his films again without thinking about his crimes.