PosÂiÂtive psyÂcholÂoÂgy is a disÂciÂpline taiÂlor made for AmerÂiÂcan culÂture. Our culÂturÂal DNA inclines us towards optiÂmism and posÂiÂtive thinkÂing. These days we’ll even send posÂiÂtive vibes your way, and what can be wrong with that? If you ask BarÂbara EhrenÂreÂich, the author of the bestÂselling book NickÂel and Dimed, she’ll tell you what’s the probÂlem in 10 aniÂmatÂed minÂutes. Like the Philip ZimÂbarÂdo video we feaÂtured last week (The Secret PowÂers of Time), this clip comes from the RSA YouTube ChanÂnel, which we’ve now added to our colÂlecÂtion of IntelÂliÂgent YouTube chanÂnels.
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AmerÂiÂcans are indeed hardÂwired for optiÂmism and this wonÂderÂfulÂly illusÂtratÂed video is the best examÂple. When she says realÂism she is sayÂing “a good mixÂture of posÂiÂtive and negÂaÂtive that mirÂrors what we have around”, that’s to say, a balÂanced posÂiÂtive mindÂset and so we are at the beginÂning again. She just advoÂcates a more meanÂingÂful posÂiÂtive attiÂtude and she apparÂentÂly critÂiÂcizes “posÂiÂtivism” but in fact reinÂforces its arguÂments. When you are hardÂwired you don’t know that you are like that, you just show your wires whenÂevÂer you speak and she (this site too) just does so. So far, only a few dares to disÂcard any posÂiÂtive or negÂaÂtive label on their lives and just try to be withÂout adjecÂtives.
HapÂpiÂness coachÂes are part of the great conÂspirÂaÂcy that began some 20 years ago when CEO’s , hedge fund manÂagers and bankers disÂcovÂered if they outÂsourced jobs to ChiÂna and India it would increase the botÂtom line and they would all get rich. If they could not outÂsource they disÂcovÂered anothÂer way. They terÂmiÂnatÂed half the workÂforce and piled the work on those who remained. They folÂlowed this by bringÂing in the hapÂpy coachÂes to put smiles on these overÂworked underÂpaid misÂerÂable employÂees. RememÂber “smile or your fired”. These execÂuÂtives, bankers and hedge fund manÂagers who took over the once proud manÂuÂfacÂturÂing indusÂtry in AmerÂiÂca and broke it up, outÂsourced the work or shipped entire facÂtoÂries offÂshore for obscene profÂits while destroyÂing the lives of milÂlions of employÂees don’t need hapÂpy coachÂes. I wonÂder why?
@czander Wow, and I thought I was cynÂiÂcal. The link was a good read.
I agree with most of it except the part about unions. This quote explains it best.
“The key to a monopÂoly is to get in the midÂdle of an interÂsecÂtion and charge rent.” — Newt GinÂgrich
Unions are just a form of monopÂoly driÂven by employÂee interÂests instead of employÂer interÂests.