Meryl Streep has been nomÂiÂnatÂed for 16 AcadÂeÂmy Awards, and won two, over her brilÂliant actÂing career. She’s one of AmerÂiÂca’s greats. But it hasÂn’t gone to her head. Above, we have Streep givÂing the gradÂuÂaÂtion speech last month at Barnard (the womÂen’s libÂerÂal arts colÂlege affilÂiÂatÂed with ColumÂbia UniÂverÂsiÂty). And what comes across is someÂone who doesÂn’t take herÂself or actÂing too seriÂousÂly. SomeÂone who still gets a litÂtle charmÂingÂly nerÂvous speakÂing in front of crowds. And someÂone who recÂogÂnizes that we globÂalÂly – and women parÂticÂuÂlarÂly – have major chalÂlenges to conÂtend with. It’s worth a watch, along with one of my favorite comÂmenceÂment speechÂes: Steve Jobs at StanÂford, 2005.
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Very interÂestÂing speech that may touch deeply the soul of everyÂone. What is realÂly actÂing or being? This can make you think. BraÂvo!
Almost the exact same speech she gave at my colÂlege gradÂuÂaÂtion, from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of New HampÂshire, in 2003.