SpeakÂing in New York City, David Simon, the creÂator of The Wire, wasÂn’t shy about takÂing the city to task. “There is no city more vain about its posiÂtion in popÂuÂlar culÂture, more indifÂferÂent to othÂer realÂiÂties, more self absorbed than othÂer cities.” “ManÂhatÂtan is [now] one big pile of monÂey,” which leaves it divorced from the real probÂlems facÂing othÂer AmerÂiÂcan cities. So why are so many stoÂries and teleÂviÂsion shows still cenÂtered in New York, and how can they tell the real tale of urban AmerÂiÂca in 2010?
This talk took place at The New School for LibÂerÂal Arts in NYC.
via The DaiÂly Dish
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