If math went over your head in high school or colÂlege, here’s a great way to redisÂcovÂer what you missed. In late JanÂuÂary, Steven StroÂgatz, a proÂfesÂsor of Applied MathÂeÂmatÂics at CorÂnell UniÂverÂsiÂty, began blogÂging mathÂeÂmatÂics for The New York Times. And his whole goal is to show you, the readÂer, the joy of math. Or, as he describes his misÂsion:
I’ll be writÂing about the eleÂments of mathÂeÂmatÂics, from pre-school to grad school, for anyÂone out there who’d like to have a secÂond chance at the subÂject — but this time from an adult perÂspecÂtive. It’s not intendÂed to be remeÂdiÂal. The goal is to give you a betÂter feelÂing for what math is all about and why it’s so enthralling to those who get it.
StartÂing this week, this blog will be delvÂing into the great ideas at the heart of calÂcuÂlus. You can jump on board right here. Thanks to Gregg for the heads up on this one.
You had me until you menÂtioned the word “calÂcuÂlus”. I enjoyed math until words like this came along.
Same here! The moment our “calÂcuÂlus” was over, I invitÂed my friends at our house for “pool parÂty!
13 close-capÂtioned videos, pdf tranÂscripts and interÂacÂtive pages.
SurÂveys the field and introÂduces researchers with appliÂcaÂtions.