Nokta .

“Nok­ta” — this short ani­mat­ed film is all about the cre­ation, move­ment, and har­mo­ny of shapes co-exist­ing in space.  Film­mak­er Onur Sen­turk describes Nok­ta, which means “dot” in Turk­ish, as an abstract film project that explores the impro­vi­sa­tion of organ­ic pieces with­in the themes of pow­er, chance, and luck.  The sound design in Nok­ta, craft­ed by ECHOLAB’s Gavin Lit­tle, is a piece of work in itself; it is in per­fect uni­ty with the move­ment and the trans­for­ma­tion of the shapes.  What is great about this ani­ma­tion is that it’s open to end­less inter­pre­ta­tions.  Sen­turk says he used Realflow, 3ds Max, Mud­box, and After Effects to make the film.  For those of you who are curi­ous to learn more about how this film was made, don’t miss the “mak­ing of” video avail­able here.

Eren Gul­fi­dan is a writer, inter­view­er, film pro­gram­mer and dis­trib­u­tor at Film Annex, an online film plat­form and Web TV Net­work that hosts and finances films.  She stud­ied cre­ative writ­ing and film at Franklin & Mar­shall Col­lege and spe­cial­ized in film pro­duc­tion at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts.  She dis­cov­ers new con­tent and brings it onto the web to be seen by a wide audi­ence. To con­tact her, vis­it

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  • Ryan Keating says:

    Nok­ta can mean “dot,” but may be bet­ter trans­lat­ed as “point,” and it has a sim­i­lar range of con­no­ta­tions as in Eng­lish. It can mean a phys­i­cal point or a point that some­one, say a film­mak­er, is try­ing to make.

  • Thanks, Ryan. That’s a real­ly good point. Even though the film­mak­er him­self chose the word “dot” when trans­lat­ing his film’s title to Eng­lish, “point” does fit bet­ter with­in the con­cept of the film. We can even say that the shapes and images we see in Nok­ta emerge from a sin­gle point in space.

  • zeynep says:

    A dot, a point- “that which has no part”. I think this short film pro­vides a neat expla­na­tion of a Nok­ta’s “part-less-ness”

  • ipektorun says:

    I think the name of the film is a thing to be decid­ed by the direc­tor. So i believe it is inap­pro­pri­ate to dis­cuss whether the trans­la­tion fits the con­cept or not. No offence. :)

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