In the earÂly days of cinÂeÂma, cenÂsorÂship was comÂmonÂplace in AmerÂiÂca, and even slightÂly sugÂgesÂtive film clips wound up on the cutÂting room floor. Now, at long last, some clips are finalÂly reachÂing the silÂver screen. In 2007, a filmÂmakÂer found cut scenes in an old theÂater someÂwhere in PennÂsylÂvaÂnia, and, with them, proÂduced a short film. Above, you can revisÂit the legaÂcy of cenÂsorÂship in earÂly AmerÂiÂcan film. And, what’s more, you can watch lots of great vinÂtage films with our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online Movies.
via Maria PopoÂva, aka @brainpicker, the writer behind
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