My old home town in time lapse video. Thanks Ian for the excelÂlent find. Have a good weekÂend all.
in Art | March 12th, 2010 5 Comments
My old home town in time lapse video. Thanks Ian for the excelÂlent find. Have a good weekÂend all.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (5) |
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I thank to the creÂators of the film and to othÂers that brought it to your site !!it does look like lookÂing at modÂel of the city but on the othÂer hand,for the moment i have an urge to frize the moment,the frame,and look into microÂcosÂmos of the frame( a man exchangÂing garbage bag),couple doing Thai-Chi under the bridge)and many others.At moments takes me to the “Matrix”.An again it is the puls of a city!!
A great video. It has speÂcial meanÂing I think for those of us who’ve ever lived in NYC. Brings back memÂoÂries and feelÂings that I’ve nevÂer gotÂten anyÂwhere else. One man might make the mounÂtains his home; anothÂer, the forÂest. A woman, at 50, might want to sabÂbath on a beach. But I spent my 20’s in the Apple, and would that I might do the same now that I’m 30 years oldÂer. Thanks for the feelÂing.
who did the song?
looked a litÂtle hardÂer
comÂposed by Human, co-writÂten by Rosi Golan and Alex Wong.
It is amazÂing how much trafÂfic is moved safeÂly, both pedesÂtriÂans and vehiÂcles. I have visÂitÂed NYC, but nevÂer lived there. I found this miniaÂturÂizaÂtion effect interÂestÂing to watch. Thanks.