PerÂhaps you’re already familÂiar with LibÂrivox. If not, you should be. LibÂrivox proÂvides over 3000 free audio books. The books (all in the pubÂlic domain) are recordÂed by a pasÂsionÂate comÂmuÂniÂty of volÂunÂteers, and they’re all made freely availÂable to you. (See their catÂaÂlogue here.) MilÂlions of peoÂple have downÂloaded their books. And, as you can imagÂine, the web hostÂing costs can run quite high. For the first time in 4+ years, LibÂrivox is lookÂing to raise some monÂey. Please conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion, howÂevÂer small or large, and supÂport this very worthÂwhile project. You can find more inforÂmaÂtion and donate here.
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