Bernstein Breaks Down Beethoven

In the mid-1950s, the Amer­i­can com­pos­er Leonard Bern­stein made sev­er­al appear­ances on Omnibus, a tele­vi­sion show ded­i­cat­ed to cov­er­ing the sci­ences, arts and human­i­ties. Dur­ing his vis­its, Bern­stein walked audi­ences through the art of mak­ing music. Take for exam­ple the clip above where he breaks down the mak­ing of Beethoven’s Fifth Sym­pho­ny. Just how did Beethoven craft it? And what deci­sions did he need to make along the way? What parts to include? And not to include? You can see the pro­gram here. Oth­er episodes focus on the work of Bach, and also the worlds of Jazz, Opera, Amer­i­can Musi­cals, and the con­duc­tor’s craft. Hap­pi­ly, all sev­en of Bern­stein’s appear­ances have been col­lect­ed in a new­ly released DVD col­lec­tion, which you can find on Ama­zon. Hat tip to Mike.

via The New York Times

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  • Wow, this is an inter­est­ing idea, I haven’t seen any­thing like that before… Giv­ing us a chance to learn how Beethoven actu­al­ly cre­at­ed one of his famous sym­phonies is real­ly great! Thanks so much, Mr. Col­man for post­ing this! I’ll def­i­nite­ly buy the DVD-set.

    Free cross­word puz­zle mak­er design­er,

  • Ron says:

    And a big rasp­ber­ry to the Koch broth­ers!

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.