In the mid-1950s, the American composer Leonard Bernstein made several appearances on Omnibus, a television show dedicated to covering the sciences, arts and humanities. During his visits, Bernstein walked audiences through the art of making music. Take for example the clip above where he breaks down the making of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Just how did Beethoven craft it? And what decisions did he need to make along the way? What parts to include? And not to include? You can see the program here. Other episodes focus on the work of Bach, and also the worlds of Jazz, Opera, American Musicals, and the conductor’s craft. Happily, all seven of Bernstein’s appearances have been collected in a newly released DVD collection, which you can find on Amazon. Hat tip to Mike.
Wow, this is an interesting idea, I haven’t seen anything like that before… Giving us a chance to learn how Beethoven actually created one of his famous symphonies is really great! Thanks so much, Mr. Colman for posting this! I’ll definitely buy the DVD-set.
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