TED recentÂly took its show to India, and one of the more interÂestÂing preÂsenÂtaÂtions feaÂtured neuÂroÂsciÂenÂtist VilayaÂnur RamachanÂdran (UCSD) explainÂing how mirÂror neuÂrons, a recentÂly disÂcovÂered sysÂtem in the brain, “allow us to learn comÂplex social behavÂiors, some of which formed the founÂdaÂtions of human civÂiÂlizaÂtion,” and also helped us evolve as a species. Good stuff. You can find more TED India Talks here.
Hi. I have been checkÂing this site for months and I nevÂer realÂized that I could post a comÂment… well, anyÂway, let’s put aside my poor interÂnet skills and let me add myself to the list of peoÂple who is more than hapÂpy readÂing your posts. InterÂnet is great but most of what you can see is rubÂbish or non relÂeÂvant. Only 1% is interÂestÂing (probÂaÂbly much less than that but a huge amount anyway)and I conÂsidÂer this web the reserÂvoir of that 1% of intelÂliÂgent life online. You have lots of great links to check and I recÂomÂmend it to whoÂevÂer I know.
I am not AmerÂiÂcan and cerÂtain things like your post about your marÂketÂing strateÂgies for your book seems to me out of whack. It is very useÂful indeed if you want to sell books but out of synch with the rest of the web which, let me say it again, it is great.
Keep going, then (in JapanÂese, ganÂbatÂte kudaÂsai… thanks a lot for your post about KuroÂsawa’s legaÂcy. Let me invite you to study this lanÂguage if you don’ know it. It is as hard to learn as beauÂtiÂful). If you accept links and recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions from readÂers, send me an email. I would be more than hapÂpy to send you some good stuff to post here.
Good luck
Hi Ana,
Thanks very much for your kind words. It’s always great to see that peoÂple are enjoyÂing the site, and appreÂciÂatÂing what it does. To answer your quesÂtion, we defÂiÂniteÂly welÂcome links/recommendations from readÂers. In fact, yesÂterÂday, I added a butÂton on the upper right hand side of the site that encourÂages just that. You can send any ideas to mail at openÂculÂture dot com. Or fill out the form here:
Thanks again for your comÂments, and hope you stay with us.