So how did you do?
Thanks Scott for the tip on that one.
in Life | January 22nd, 2010 4 Comments
So how did you do?
Thanks Scott for the tip on that one.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (4) |
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Not realÂly fair. We are asked to note a speÂcifÂic event then “faultÂed” for not noticÂing someÂthing else? I wonÂder if it would have been more obviÂous if the bear was a marke3dly difÂferÂent colÂor, such as green or red. As such he kind of blends in with the team in black.
Hey Ron, own up. He got you… you didÂnt notice and that’s the point…
Wow that’s crazy nevÂer saw the bear
I saw the bear the very first time, and I thought it was there from the beginÂning, because I noticed it like 2 or 3 times. Also, I noticed 14, not just 13 passÂes of the white clad team.