WorkÂing with the BBC, Neil MacÂGreÂgor, the DirecÂtor of the British MuseÂum, has launched a downÂright smart project. A HisÂtoÂry of the World in 100 Objects uses imporÂtant pieces from the museÂum’s colÂlecÂtions to recount the long hisÂtoÂry of humanÂiÂty. ThroughÂout the year, the seriÂalÂized radio proÂgram will air 100 episodes, each averÂagÂing 15 minÂutes, and they will covÂer two milÂlion years of human innoÂvaÂtion and artisÂtic creÂation. Below, I’ve includÂed a recent episode that revisÂits the OlduÂvai hand axe, a tool inventÂed some 1.2 milÂlion years ago that proved vital to human evoÂluÂtion and our migraÂtion out of Africa. You can access the full series in audio via iTunes, RSS Feed, as well as othÂer forÂmats found here. A big thanks to Stephen in the UK for flagÂging this proÂducÂtion for us.
Thank you for this.. I grew up in LonÂdon and would often visÂit the British MuseÂum which was just a bus ride from my secÂondary school. I knew it was a bit speÂcial and that I was surÂroundÂed by culÂturÂal arteÂfacts from around the world. I nevÂer realised that someÂthing as simÂple as the stone axes which I probÂaÂbly rushed by in order to see the Aztec exhiÂbiÂtion or the ancient EgyptÂian Gallery, were, withÂout doubt the most sucÂcessÂful techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal invenÂtion in the hisÂtoÂry of man. Well done B.B.C. and the British MuseÂum and well done Open CulÂture for pubÂliÂcisÂing these proÂgrammes and the webÂsite that goes along with it.
Thank you for this post on the “HisÂtoÂry of the World in 100 objects”…
A qualÂiÂty proÂgramme…
thanks for this, and it cerÂtainÂly is a totalÂly wonÂderÂful and imporÂtant series. Huge & imporÂtant expanÂsion of the culÂturÂal comÂmons. HowÂevÂer I am conÂcerned, and have blogged, that it is at least in part about strengthÂenÂing the case for keepÂing the objects in the BM, as it is about what they have to tell us, and this should be part of the disÂcourse about the proÂgramme. Despite all the glitz, I think the very techÂnolÂoÂgy used actuÂalÂly makes the oppoÂsite case.
FasÂciÂnatÂing piece on CroeÂsus. You might menÂtioned, howÂevÂer, that chruÂsos (approxÂiÂmate transcription)is Greek for gold…
I have a metÂal dog colÂlar on which it says “If on my ColÂlar Look to See Whose Dog I be I am JOHN COULMANS Dog and no Prest man You See Iam Entered on Bord the——-A VolÂunÂteer for Life both to Serve my MasÂter and his Good Wife 1771.” We do not know anyÂthing about John CoulÂman. My grandÂmothÂer found this colÂlar in BreÂcon, mid Wales in the 1920s or 1930s. It is interÂestÂing as it shows a litÂtle about sailÂing in the 1700s.