New David Foster Wallace in The New Yorker

Appear­ing in The New York­er this week is an excerpt from David Fos­ter Wal­lace’s unfin­ished nov­el, The Pale King. It begins:

Once when I was a lit­tle boy I received as a gift a toy cement mix­er. It was made of wood except for its wheels—axles—which, as I remem­ber, were thin met­al rods. I’m nine­ty per cent sure it was a Christ­mas gift. I liked it the same way a boy that age likes toy dump trucks, ambu­lances, trac­tor-trail­ers, and what­not. There are lit­tle boys who like trains and lit­tle boys who like vehicles—I liked the lat­ter.

Con­tin­ue read­ing the rest here. Also see this oth­er  pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished excerpt and some pages from DWF’s actu­al man­u­script.


PS Is any­one hav­ing prob­lems post­ing com­ments? If so, please shoot me a note at the email address above. I appre­ci­ate your help.

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