Free eBooks for Your PC, iPhone, Kindle & Beyond

Today, we’re rolling out a siz­able col­lec­tion of Free eBooks, most of them clas­sics, that fea­tures major works writ­ten by James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzger­ald, Jane Austen, Niet­zsche and oth­ers. (We have even thrown in a lit­tle Paulo Coel­ho.) You’ll find 100+ free ebooks in total, and you can down­load the texts to your com­put­er, smart phone (iPhone, Android, etc.) or Kin­dle, depend­ing on the for­mat you choose.  Our eBooks Primer overviews the dif­fer­ent down­load options, so please give it a quick read over. Below, we’ve post­ed a quick sam­ple from the new col­lec­tion (plus a link to the entire list of Free eBooks). Feel free to offer feed­back and share the list with friends. Down the road, you can always find this col­lec­tion in the top nav­i­ga­tion bar. Just looks for eBooks.

For more ebooks, please vis­it Free eBooks: Great Books on Your PC, iPhone, Kin­dle & Beyond

Note: Don’t for­get to check in on Seth Har­wood’s big Kin­dle exper­i­ment. What hap­pens when you sell your book for 99 cents on the Kin­dle? Find out as the exper­i­ment unfolds. Sto­ry here.

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We’re hop­ing to rely on our loy­al read­ers rather than errat­ic ads. To sup­port Open Cul­ture’s edu­ca­tion­al mis­sion, please con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion. We accept Pay­Pal, Ven­mo (@openculture), Patre­on and Cryp­to! Please find all options here. We thank you!

Comments (4)
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  • Being a big dig­i­tal book advo­cate it’s been inter­est­ing to watch the accep­tance of dig­i­tal down­loads. While I believe in giv­ing away a free book to get some­one inter­est­ed I’m not sure that giv­ing away a whole library is the best pol­i­cy for a new seg­ment of an old indus­try. I don’t recall the music busi­ness giv­ing away 100’s of songs (Nap­ster exclud­ed) to get momen­tum.

    My con­cern is “free” decreas­es the val­ue of a prod­uct and too much “free” in this case would send an indus­try into a tail­spin.

    I’m a dig­i­tal pub­lish­er and my con­tent own­ers would nev­er allow us to give their books away unless there was some pro­mo­tion involved. I get pub­lic domain and I know libraries allow you to check out the same book over and over, I hope that this ser­vice and oth­ers like it will refrain from giv­ing away titles that cre­ate jobs and income for peo­ple in the pub­lish­ing busi­ness.

  • tianxiang says:

    i am learn­ing eng­lish now. so i think this web can help me lot. but i still dont know how to down­load the book

  • I’m with Rick. Free con­tent is not val­ued. Pub­lic libraries have nev­er been tru­ly “free,” as they are sup­port­ed by tax rev­enues col­lect­ed from the pop­u­la­tion of poten­tial users.

    In the case of dig­i­tal resources, with­out some nom­i­nal trans­ac­tion fee (maybe a small sub­scrip­tion for pub­lic domain works), there will be a burst of uneven dis­tri­b­u­tion and then a pre­cip­i­tous dis­ap­pear­ance of con­tent. Free dis­tri­b­u­tion also sets up the unhealthy expec­ta­tion on the part of users to get more con­tent for free — that is, retail con­tent from liv­ing or recent­ly deceased authors.

  • Mahi Smart Girl says:

    I think they are very use­ful and most of the per­son need them

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