Galapagos Rap: 3.5* ’til infinity…

Stan­ford stu­dents head to the Gala­pa­gos Islands, then rap about what they’ve learned. Evo­lu­tion­ary rap. What a con­cept…

Mean­while, the pro­fes­sor whose voice you hear at the out­set, Bill Durham, taught a course in Stan­ford Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies (my day job) last year, and we have made it avail­able as a free pod­cast. It’s called Dar­win’s Lega­cy, and it brought togeth­er some of the world’s lead­ing Dar­win schol­ars for the 200th anniver­sary of Darwin’s birth. You access and learn more about the course here.

via Stan­ford’s Face­book page

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.