What hapÂpens when Socrates tries to land a job at a uniÂverÂsiÂty? It doesÂn’t go so well. Below, we have the comÂments returned by the interÂview comÂmitÂtee, as imagÂined by THE (Times HighÂer EduÂcaÂtion). In this piece, you’ll also find TolÂstoy, KafÂka, Jane Austen and othÂer geniusÂes comÂing up short with the search comÂmitÂtees. Now to Socrates…
“At first the canÂdiÂdate’s own list of quesÂtions felt refreshÂing, but soon became counter-proÂducÂtive to the interÂview process. His spirÂit of inquiry masked an indifÂferÂence to time conÂstraints and a pasÂsive-aggresÂsive need to domÂiÂnate the conÂverÂsaÂtion. As anothÂer canÂdiÂdate cooled his heels, the request for him to conÂclude his thoughts on the ideÂal sociÂety scarceÂly regÂisÂtered as we wonÂdered if, then began to wish that, someÂone would spike his drink.”
My artiÂcle / mesÂsage ( book ) isn’t about faith.
I try to say about God’s existÂing using the Physics / QuanÂtum
theÂoÂry because the Old proofs about God / ReliÂgion
isn’t enough in our time.
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Has God known the forÂmuÂla: E=Mc^2 ?
If God has known the forÂmuÂla why HE / SHE /IT
didÂn’t write it in His Bible?
Can God be atheÂist, govÂerned by sciÂenÂtifÂic laws?
Have physiÂcists found the God?
I think, Yes. They have.
The peoÂple creÂatÂed a God.
No one knows what the exterÂnal charÂacÂterÂisÂtics
of this God are, a God who made himÂself known
with the name ” I am who I am “.
Is it enough for us in the XXIc ?
Why didn’t the forÂmuÂla E=Mc^2 write in the Bible?
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Each reliÂgion uses a sysÂtem of symÂbols
(images, metaphors, ancient myths and legÂends ‚
beauÂtiÂful stoÂries) to explain its truth.
But Bernard Shaw wiseÂly remarked :
“ There is only one reliÂgion,
although there are a hunÂdred verÂsions of it.”
It means that the source of all reliÂgion is one.
And I try to prove this idea with the forÂmuÂlas and laws of
physics. I don’t invent new forÂmuÂlas. I use simÂple forÂmuÂlas
which ‚maybe, every man knows from school.
Is it posÂsiÂble? Is it enough?
Yes. Because the evoÂluÂtion goes from simÂple to the comÂplex.
So, in the beginÂning we can use simÂple forÂmuÂlas and laws.
For this purÂpose I explain what the first law of UniÂverse is,
and secÂond law is and .….……etc.
Step by step I creÂate a logÂiÂcal sysÂtem of the UniÂverse.
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Can God be atheÂist, govÂerned by sciÂenÂtifÂic laws?
I think: Yes, of course.
Because if God exists, he would necÂesÂsarÂiÂly to work
in an Absolute RefÂerÂence Frame and have set of physÂiÂcal
and mathÂeÂmatÂiÂcal laws to creÂate everyÂthing in the UniÂverse.
And we can find and underÂstand this Absolute God’s House
and we can find and underÂstand Cod’s Laws of the Nature.
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If I were God, I would give chance to Human
to underÂstand who I am by anaÂlyzÂing the physÂiÂcal
forÂmuÂlas, equaÂtions and laws. Because to creÂate EveryÂthing
I need them. So, logÂiÂcalÂly, catchÂing the thread of the physics
Human can underÂstand Me and My Work.
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Of course, it is only my opinÂion.
Best wishÂes.
Israel Sadovnik. / SocraÂtus.
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