On BloomsÂday (June 16), BoingÂBoÂing feaÂtured a rare audio recordÂing of James Joyce readÂing from Finnegans Wake (mp3). It’s a bit intriguÂing to hear his voice and accent. Also, we came across anothÂer Joyce recordÂing, where, this time, he’s readÂing Anna Livia PluraÂbelle, anothÂer secÂtion of the same novÂel. For kicks, you can catch an aniÂmatÂed verÂsion of the same recordÂing on YouTube here.
PLEASE PLEASE get William FaulknÂer’s As I lay Dying, and Ernest HemÂingÂway’s The Old Man and the Sea on here!
The two Joyce readÂings are the same text, if not the very same readÂing.
Both recordÂings are from about halfway through Anna Livia PluraÂbelle.
Thanks to someÂone who thinks they had enough of a hand in creÂatÂing Walt WhitÂman’s works that they should get paid every time someÂone hears a scrap of his verse read aloud, the YouTube link in this entry leads to dead page. :(