Back when I was at the now defunct Alliance for LifeÂlong LearnÂing (an e‑learning venÂture put togethÂer by StanÂford, Oxford and Yale), we did a reliÂgion course that keyed off of Dan Brown’s Da VinÂci Code. No one thought highÂly of the book, but the dean of the Yale DivinÂiÂty School believed that the book’s popÂuÂlarÂiÂty (and the quesÂtions it raised about reliÂgion) creÂatÂed a good teachÂing opporÂtuÂniÂty. And he was right. Fast forÂward sevÂerÂal years, and we now have Dan Brown’s othÂer book, Angels & Demons, getÂting released as a major film too. So, why not use this as an occaÂsion to talk about the sciÂence invoked by the film? UC BerkeÂley has done just that. (Watch here). And so has Carnegie MelÂlon. CM prefÂaces the video feaÂtured above as folÂlows:
Could you realÂly destroy the VatÂiÂcan using a small amount of antiÂmatÂter made in the Large Hadron ColÂlidÂer? Thats the quesÂtion Carnegie MelÂlons ManÂfred PauliÂni seeks to answer in the lecÂture Angels and Demons: The SciÂence Revealed. Dr. PauliÂni, an experÂiÂmenÂtal parÂtiÂcle physiÂcist and memÂber of the CMS experÂiÂment at CERNs Large Hadron ColÂlidÂer, disÂcussÂes the sciÂence facts and ficÂtion in the movie Angels and Demons, based on Dan Browns best-sellÂing novÂel.
Dr. PauliÂni talks about the physics at the heart of Angels and Demons, which focusÂes on what hapÂpens when matÂter and antiÂmatÂter meet. The absence of pracÂtiÂcalÂly any antiÂmatÂter in the uniÂverse is cruÂcial to our exisÂtence, and underÂstandÂing that absence is one of the big chalÂlenges of parÂtiÂcle physics.
God and DevÂil.
In 1906, RutherÂford studÂied interÂnal strucÂture of atoms,
bomÂbardÂing them with high enerÂgy a- parÂtiÂcles.
This idea helped him to underÂstand the strucÂture of atom.
But the clever DevÂil interÂfered and gave advice to physiÂcists:
’ Bomb them stronger’.
And physiÂcists creÂatÂed huge canÂnon-accelÂerÂaÂtors of parÂtiÂcles.
And they began to bomb micro parÂtiÂcles in the vacÂuÂum,
in hopÂing to underÂstand their inner strucÂture.
And they were surÂprised with the results of this bombÂing.
SevÂerÂal hunÂdreds of comÂpleteÂly new strange parÂtiÂcles appeared.
They lived for a very litÂtle time and do not relate to our world.
Our Earth needs anothÂer conÂstants of nature.
But physiÂcists are proud of their work. They say:
we study the inner strucÂture of the parÂtiÂcles.
The clever and artÂful DevÂil is glad. He again has deceived man.
PhysiÂcists think, that an accelÂerÂaÂtor is first of all
the presÂence of huge enerÂgy. And the DevÂil laughs.
He knows that an accelÂerÂaÂtor is first of all the VacÂuÂum.
But this, he has withÂheld from man.
He has not explained that the VacÂuÂum is infiÂnite and inexÂhaustible.
And in infinÂiÂty an infiÂnite variÂety of parÂtiÂcles is conÂtained .
And by bombÂing the vacÂuÂum, one can find cenÂtaurs and sphinÂxÂes.
But my God, save us from their presÂence on Earth.
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E. RutherÂford was right.
His folÂlowÂers are misÂtakÂen.
ImagÂine, that I want to plant a small apple- tree.
For this purÂpose I will dig out a hole of 1 meter width
and 1,20 m depth. It is norÂmal.
But if to plant a small apple- tree, I will begin to dig
a base for a huge buildÂing (skyÂscraper),
or if to begin to drill ground with 10 km. depth,
will you call me a norÂmal man?
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ImagÂine a man who breaks watchÂes on a wall.
And then he tries to underÂstand their mechÂaÂnisms by
colÂlectÂing the cogÂwheels, springs and small screws,
that have been scatÂtered everyÂwhere.
What are his chances of a sucÂcessÂful reconÂstrucÂtion?
As many chances as there are sciÂenÂtists who aspire to underÂstand
the inner strucÂture of elecÂtrons by smashÂing them in accelÂerÂaÂtors?
If, by not takÂing into account the iniÂtial conÂdiÂtions of GenÂeÂsis,
the fanÂtasies of the sciÂenÂtists may well be unlimÂitÂed.
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The Nature works very ecoÂnomÂiÂcal.
For examÂple, biolÂoÂgists know 100 ( hunÂdred ) kinds of
amino acids. But only 20 ( twenÂty) kinds of amino acids
are suitÂable to proÂduce molÂeÂcules of proÂtein, from which all
difÂferÂent cells creÂatÂed on our planÂet. What are about anothÂer
80 % of amino acids? They are dead end of evoÂluÂtion.
The physiÂcists found many ( 1000 ) new eleÂmenÂtary parÂtiÂcles in
accelÂerÂaÂtors. But we need only one ( 1) elecÂtron and one (1 )
proÂton to creÂate first atom, to begin to creÂate the Nature.
All anothÂer eleÂmenÂtary parÂtiÂcles (mesons, muons , bosons, taus,
all their girlÂfriends — antiparÂtiÂcles, all quarks and antiquarks…etc)
are dead end of evoÂluÂtion.
What was before — “ the big bang” or the vacÂuÂum ?
The physiÂcists creÂatÂed “ Europe’s Large Hadron ColÂidÂer “
Please, look at how our physiÂcists made this accelÂerÂaÂtor.
They made the vacÂuÂum and after they genÂerÂatÂed a big reacÂtion
between two colÂlidÂing parÂtiÂcles in some small imiÂtaÂtion of the
“big bang”. They didn’t make this process in the reverse.
So, what was priÂor in the UniÂverse: “ big bang” or vacÂuÂum?
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Best wishÂes.
Israel Sadovnik. / SocraÂtus.
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