There’s someÂthing comÂpelling about physics. Almost every major open courseÂware colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures a well-craftÂed physics course, and these coursÂes conÂsisÂtentÂly rank high on iTuneÂsU and YouTube Edu. Let’s give a quick overview of the favorites.
At StanÂford, we’re putting togethÂer a six course sequence called ModÂern Physics: The TheÂoÂretÂiÂcal MinÂiÂmum. Taught by Leonard Susskind, one of America’s leadÂing physics minds, this course traces the develÂopÂment of modÂern physics, movÂing from NewÂton to EinÂstein to Black Holes. So far, we’ve made five of the six coursÂes availÂable online (get them here), which amounts to 100 hours of free classÂroom footage. Hard to beat. (And, in case you’re wonÂderÂing, the sixth course is being taped right now, and it will be comÂing online durÂing the months to come.)
AnothÂer proÂgram that has received a fair amount of attenÂtion is WalÂter Lewin’s series of coursÂes at MIT. As The New York Times has notÂed, Lewin has long had a cult folÂlowÂing at MIT, and now, thanks to his physics coursÂes, he’s achieved a minor degree of fame on the interÂnet. His lecÂtures, delivÂered with panache, can be found here:
- Physics I: ClasÂsiÂcal MechanÂics — iTunes — Video DownÂload — YouTube
- Physics II: ElecÂtricÂiÂty and MagÂnetÂism — iTunes — Video DownÂload — YouTube
- Physics III: VibraÂtions and Waves — iTunes — Video DownÂload — YouTube
A third course to call your attenÂtion to is Richard Muller’s Physics for Future PresÂiÂdents (Feed — MP3s — YouTube). The course comes out of UC BerkeÂley, where it’s an underÂgradÂuÂate favorite. (It’s also the basis of a recent book by the same name.) And the whole point here is to give citÂiÂzens the sciÂenÂtifÂic knowlÂedge they need to underÂstand critÂiÂcal issues facÂing our sociÂety.
FinalÂly, anothÂer course worth reviewÂing is FunÂdaÂmenÂtals of Physics, which is taught by RamaÂmurÂti Shankar and it’s part of Yale’s Open Course iniÂtiaÂtive.
UPDATE: Since we origÂiÂnalÂly creÂatÂed this colÂlecÂtion, Bill Gates has postÂed Richard FeynÂman’s great lecÂtures online. Learn more here.
All of these physics coursÂes, and many more, can be found in our colÂlecÂtion of Free CoursÂes. You can also find the coursÂes in our secÂtion called Physics: Free CoursÂes.
[…] in DaiÂly life, EduÂcaÂtion, SciÂence at 12:59 pm by LeisureGuy Open CulÂture: There’s someÂthing comÂpelling about physics. Almost every major open courseÂware colÂlecÂtion […]
[…] LearnÂing Physics Through Open CoursÂes | Open CulÂture (tags: eduÂcaÂtion physics sciÂence) […]
[…] print ediÂtion.) First up: the often-menÂtioned physics coursÂes taught by MIT’s WalÂter Lewin (more on that here). Next, MarÂtin Lewis’ course, The GeogÂraÂphy of US ElecÂtions, which comes out of StanÂford […]
[…] LearnÂing Physics Through Free Online CoursÂes Share: […]
[…] an author.) If you’re lookÂing to bone up on your physics, let me save you a few bucks. With LearnÂing Physics Through Free Online CoursÂes, we have pulled togethÂer free coursÂes from MIT, StanÂford, UC BerkeÂley, and Yale, plus a series of […]
[…] an author.) If you’re lookÂing to bone up on your physics, let me save you a few bucks. With LearnÂing Physics Through Free Online CoursÂes, we have pulled togethÂer free coursÂes from MIT, StanÂford, UC BerkeÂley, and Yale, plus a series of […]
[…] on YouTube in three parts: here, here and here. NOTE: Don’t forÂget to see our preÂviÂous post: LearnÂing Physics Through Open CoursÂes. […]
[…] LearnÂing Physics Through Free Online CoursÂes […]
Thank you for sharÂing. :-)
Many of the top uniÂverÂsiÂties are now offerÂing free coursÂes like the UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichiÂgan and Yale. Hope there will be more free coursÂes offered in many difÂferÂent fields.
im only in year 9 and im doing an exam next week on physics im realÂly worÂried because i have not learnt anyÂthing in my sciÂence class with Mr BriÂan IN Kings InterÂnaÂtionÂal ColÂlege because he not fit to be a teacher because he can not teach propÂerÂly and my parÂents are going to freak when i get my report because its going to be bad because he lies and he picks on peoÂple
i would like to study physics online
[…] LearnÂing Physics Through Free CoursÂes […]
[…] LearnÂing Physics Through Free CoursÂes […]
can you get a tranÂscript showÂing you took these online coursÂes?
Iwant to be memÂber of your stuÂdents
I want to learn physics because I want to proÂduce theÂoÂry
good to get here coz i wanÂna chease ma lyf dreams..but its kind of hard for me to do it like now because i cant get throw all this..What should i do??
Its good to see many uniÂverÂsiÂties are comÂing forÂward for open course wares. It would be good that apart from course notes, they pubÂlish class lecÂtures like nptel, uc berkeÂley, mit and stanÂford
SciÂence and techÂnolÂoÂgy does have its limÂiÂtaÂtion. There are Physics Foibles. See Godel IncomÂpleteÂness.
I need guidÂance. I am very keen on learnÂing Physics. HowÂevÂer do i need to first learn high school levÂel maths & algeÂbra before i start?
lookÂing forÂward to your input.
i can teach physics online.If any one want to learn physics online at very low cost then conÂtact me my email id is ra******************@ya***.com
i would like to learn physics online as i have only startÂed it a while now and i am doing exams next year so i want to know is there any way you can help me speed up the process my #18684949184 sarah.
I am about 17 years old.and i am stuÂdent of 10th class and litÂtle bit weak in physics and exam is one and half month away form me please share some imporÂtant notes to me. By which i take help from it.……Thanks.
Yours obeÂdiÂentÂly,
i need learn pleas help me!
Is it posÂsiÂble to subÂscribe in othÂer to get lecÂtures?
Hi! I am only in eleÂmenÂtary school (almost in jr high) and i realÂly want to learn physics so i realÂly need some help. Please help me.
— Rose
though d levÂel of knowlÂedge i hav in Physics is little,I wish to increase and b an outÂstandÂing PhysiÂcist in d nearÂest years to come. Xo help me God!
I want to be a pilot and my mom says “I have to know physics to be a pilot” so, I need to start learnÂing even though I don’t know anyÂthing about it, I just need to be a step ahead of peoÂple in class.
i want to learn physics
I love physics.
I love Physics, there are no jobs, but I still love Physics.
Yes I do have a Degree in Physics.
I am lookÂing for coursÂes in varÂiÂous fields of pysics, to study. At home, online.
I an interÂestÂed in coursÂes in the fields of physics
I want to learn physics
I want to learn A‑level physics