Jon Stewart on the Relevance of Cultural Magazines


The Dai­ly Show With Jon Stew­art M — Th 11p / 10c
We Don’t Tor­ture
Dai­ly Show
Full Episodes
Eco­nom­ic Cri­sis Polit­i­cal Humor

Here’s Jon Stew­art talk­ing Mon­day night about the rev­e­la­tion that Amer­i­ca’s “extreme inter­ro­ga­tion” tech­niques actu­al­ly amount to tor­ture. Some­how he man­ages to work The New York Review of Books, The Paris ReviewMcSweeney’s and The Utne Read­er into the dis­cus­sion. You’ll find it about 4 min­utes in. Pret­ty fun­ny stuff, although the com­men­tary is sad when you get right down to it.

On a more seri­ous note, Rahm Emanuel (high­light­ed in the video above) was almost cer­tain­ly ref­er­enc­ing excel­lent Mark Dan­ner’s work in the NYRB, which you can find here.

The direct link to the Stew­art video can be found here.

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