Crime Fiction: Download and Listen

harwoodSeth Har­wood is bring­ing crime writ­ing into the new world of Web 2.0. Since 2006, Har­wood has been pod­cast­ing his own crime fic­tion, includ­ing a book called Jack Wakes Up, which you can down­load (for free) via iTunes, RSS Feed, or MP3. (Ran­dom House will be releas­ing Jack Wakes Up in print next month for $10.25.) This expe­ri­ence got Seth think­ing about the pow­er of pod­casts, and he soon took the next log­i­cal step, launch­ing, a web­site devot­ed to pod­cast­ing crime sto­ries (not just his own) to an audi­ence world­wide. On Crime­wav, you’ll find some gems, includ­ing Dashiell Ham­met­t’s first sto­ry (1923), “The Bar­ber and His Wife” (mp3). Plus, you’ll stum­ble upon a delet­ed chap­ter from Michael Con­nel­ly’s lat­est NYT best­seller, The Brass Ver­dict, read by Con­nel­ly him­self (mp3). Lots of good pieces to explore. And if this sort of fic­tion is your thing, then let me direct you to two oth­er good resources. First, an archive of Agatha Christie’s radio mys­ter­ies, and then the free works of best­selling hor­ror author, Scott Sigler. Enjoy.

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