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Once the Fed’s toolÂbox proved unable to stop the casÂcadÂing globÂal finanÂcial meltÂdown, the US govÂernÂment turned to the one stratÂeÂgy that it had left. It dustÂed off the old ecoÂnomÂic playÂbook of John MayÂnard Keynes and began introÂducÂing masÂsive stimÂuÂlus plans and othÂer forms of govÂernÂment interÂvenÂtion. Since our colÂlecÂtive fate now depends on KeyÂneÂsian theÂoÂry holdÂing water, it seems worth bringÂing you a primer on Keynes and his style of ecoÂnomÂic thinkÂing. And that’s what you get with this segÂment from This AmerÂiÂcan Life. The segÂment (get the full episode here and then move to the 38th minute) tells you a litÂtle about his comÂplex perÂsonÂalÂiÂty. (As they put it, you could make two movies about him — one that feaÂtures “Keynes the statesÂman, advisÂing presÂiÂdents and prime minÂisÂters, furiÂousÂly writÂing up papers that changed the direcÂtion of modÂern intelÂlecÂtuÂal thought. AnothÂer movie would pretÂty much be a gay porno …” He was sexÂuÂalÂly too “out there” for even the enveÂlope-pushÂing BloomsÂbury Group.) Through interÂviews with varÂiÂous econÂoÂmists, the proÂgram then overviews the cenÂtral tenets of KeyÂneÂsian ecoÂnomÂics, and disÂcussÂes Keynes’ influÂence over latÂer genÂerÂaÂtions of econÂoÂmists. DurÂing the 1940s, 50s and 60s, KeyÂneÂsianÂism was all the rage, then it declined and almost disÂapÂpeared durÂing the 70s. Now it’s back, perÂhaps stronger than ever. My comÂpleteÂly intuÂitive guess is that KeyÂneÂsianÂism will alleÂviÂate some of the finanÂcial strains — it will keep more peoÂple workÂing, which is good — but it will also lengthÂen the recesÂsion, bring about new probÂlems (inflaÂtion and new bubÂbles), and preÂvent us from seriÂousÂly addressÂing the probÂlems that got us into this mess. KeyÂneÂsianÂism may be the humane and necÂesÂsary way to go, but don’t expect perÂfecÂtion, or anyÂthing close. In the meanÂtime, if you want more blogs and podÂcasts that track the finanÂcial criÂsis, then please see our handy list.
For an alterÂnaÂtive to KeyÂneÂsian ecoÂnomÂics, look towards AusÂtriÂan ecoÂnomÂics at