A pretÂty brilÂliant saga played out over the last week on The DaiÂly Show. It startÂed when Jon StewÂart tweaked Rick SanÂtelÂli and his wideÂly-pubÂliÂcized rant against homeÂownÂer bailouts. ApparÂentÂly SanÂtelÂli’s netÂwork, CNBC, couldÂn’t take a litÂtle joke and fought back, which only proÂvidÂed The DaiÂly Show with more comÂic fodÂder. (You can watch the folÂlow-up segÂments here and here. Very funÂny stuff.) Then, it all culÂmiÂnatÂed last night when StewÂart brought Jim Cramer, a leadÂing CNBC perÂsonÂalÂiÂty and investÂment adviÂsor, on the show. Here, the jokes end and a long and deadÂly seriÂous interÂview begins, and we all get to see how the finanÂcial media failed, if not betrayed, us durÂing the rise and fall of the credÂit bubÂble. Sad that a comeÂdiÂan has to make the point. But I’ll take it.
As a quick side note, it shouldÂn’t be said that no one ever warned the AmerÂiÂcan pubÂlic about the proÂgramÂming being put out by CNBC and espeÂcialÂly Jim Cramer. Last year, David Swensen, who manÂages Yale’s multiÂbilÂlion dolÂlar endowÂment (which has fared quite well durÂing this decline, at least relÂaÂtive to othÂer large endowÂments) took aim at Jim Cramer in the NYTimes, notÂing: “There is nothÂing that Cramer says that can help peoÂple make intelÂliÂgent deciÂsions.” “He takes someÂthing that is very seriÂous and turns it into a game. If you want to have fun, go to DisÂney World.”
Much of the finanÂcial minuÂtia they were talkÂing about eludÂed me. But what couldÂn’t be missed was Cramer’s mutÂed, stutÂterÂing defense against StewÂart’s rather pointÂed charges against him and his netÂwork.
He’s was obviÂousÂly guilty of someÂthing and clearÂly knew it.
StewÂart is most defÂiÂniteÂly not a comeÂdiÂan. Frankly, he’s the most brilÂliant satirist this counÂtry has had in a long time. The only perÂson I know to comÂpare him to is Voltaire.
But when he needs to get seriÂous, he does, as he did in the interÂview with Cramer. This is why I watch The DaiÂly Show withÂout fail, and almost nevÂer watch the netÂwork evening news.
Voltaire? I like the comÂparÂiÂson. PerÂhaps that’s why I got all 18th cenÂtuÂry with the title of the post — withÂout thinkÂing about it, of course.
videos work in Czech RepubÂlic. one of the best interÂviews of recent memÂoÂry
While I enjoy watchÂing Cramer every night, one must rememÂber the show is priÂmarÂiÂly enterÂtainÂment. The finanÂcial netÂworks exist to proÂmote their adverÂtisÂers finanÂcial and investÂment prodÂucts. Who would expect them to warn about the credÂit bubÂble or comÂing WashÂingÂton nationÂal debt colÂlapse which will destroy much of the remainÂing priÂvate wealth in AmerÂiÂca today or what this will do to the dolÂlar, the stock marÂket, bonds, gold or the real estate marÂket?
ChiÂna is now worÂried about their danÂgerÂous over investÂment in US TreaÂsury obligÂaÂtions. WashÂingÂton ’s long-term choice is either repuÂdiÂaÂtion or monÂeÂtiÂzaÂtion. For monÂeÂtiÂzaÂtion to be effecÂtive, the depreÂciÂaÂtion in the dolÂlar would have to be subÂstanÂtial and this in turn would draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly raise prices of imports for AmerÂiÂcan conÂsumers which would mean a tremenÂdous drop in forÂeign imports. Debt monÂeÂtiÂzaÂtion would cause more disÂrupÂtion to exportÂing nations than selecÂtive repuÂdiÂaÂtion of TreaÂsury debt.
The CamÂpaign to CanÂcel the WashÂingÂton NationÂal Debt By 12/22/2013 ConÂstiÂtuÂtionÂal AmendÂment is startÂing now in the U.S. See: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=67594690498&ref=ts
Ron with 30 plus years in the investÂment busiÂness and bankÂing indusÂtry.