This chart comes from a new Pew Research CenÂter study that looks at the worldÂwide accepÂtance of evoÂluÂtion 150 years after DarÂwin’s On the OriÂgin of Species by Means of NatÂurÂal SelecÂtion. At least in the UnitÂed States, only a minorÂiÂty of the pubÂlic believes in evoÂluÂtion, largeÂly because evanÂgelÂiÂcal protesÂtants (a large porÂtion of the AmerÂiÂcan popÂuÂlaÂtion) resist DarÂwin’s thinkÂing far more strongÂly than othÂer world popÂuÂlaÂtions. (The chart makes that simÂple fact fairÂly clear.) A piece newÂly pubÂlished by the Pew CenÂter goes on to add:
Recent pubÂlic opinÂion polls indiÂcate that chalÂlenges to DarÂwinÂian evoÂluÂtion have subÂstanÂtial supÂport among the AmerÂiÂcan peoÂple. AccordÂing to an August 2006 surÂvey by the Pew Research CenÂter’s Forum on ReliÂgion & PubÂlic Life and the Pew Research CenÂter for the PeoÂple & the Press, 63 perÂcent of AmerÂiÂcans believe that humans and othÂer aniÂmals have either always existÂed in their present form or have evolved over time under the guidÂance of a supreme being. Only 26 perÂcent say that life evolved soleÂly through processÂes such as natÂurÂal selecÂtion. A simÂiÂlar Pew Research CenÂter poll, released in August 2005, found that 64 perÂcent of AmerÂiÂcans supÂport teachÂing creÂationÂism alongÂside evoÂluÂtion in the classÂroom.
For more inforÂmaÂtion, see the Pew CenÂter’s largÂer web colÂlecÂtion dedÂiÂcatÂed to the DarÂwin debate. Also see a new Gallup poll that puts AmerÂiÂcan belief in evoÂluÂtion at 39%.
via The DaiÂly Dish
This is extremeÂly depressÂing. I don’t know how much longer I can remain in the U.S. with this steady decline in ratioÂnalÂiÂty apparÂentÂly takÂing hold amongst my felÂlow citÂiÂzens. Every time I hear a stoÂry like this I feel nauÂseous (and embarÂrassed).
What is scary is that peoÂple are acceptÂing Pew’s flameÂbait staÂtisÂtics at face valÂue.
The poll has been conÂstructÂed (whether incomÂpeÂtentÂly or delibÂerÂateÂly I canÂnot tell) to give this result.
Most ChrisÂtian’s believe in both evoÂluÂtion both a creÂator God and DarÂwinÂian evoÂluÂtion (not the offiÂcial posiÂtion of the Catholic Church, that).
The staÂtisÂtics don’t have to be very accuÂrate for this to be scary. I think even 80 proÂcent is a very low numÂber in this case…
One doesÂn’t “believe” in evoÂluÂtion, does one? Does one “believe” in chemÂiÂcal oxiÂdaÂtion, or radioacÂtivÂiÂty, or dinosaurs? I think the whole point, or one of the points, about evoÂluÂtion and sciÂence and in genÂerÂal, is that “belief” doesÂn’t have anyÂthing to do with it?
Jude, I take your point on my use of the word “belief.” That could have been phrased better/differently.