The Unrepentant Terrorist? A Conversation with Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers, founder of the Weath­er Under­ground and favorite whip­ping boy of the failed McCain cam­paign, gives a primer on the sum­mer of ’68, dis­cuss­es his favorite tat­too, and explains how the Chica­go Police Depart­ment now loves him. The inter­view was con­duct­ed by a col­league of mine, Scott Hutchins, and you have to like the iron­ic way it begins:

…our inter­view [start­ed] with a bomb scare. We sat down on the couch in a busy hotel lob­by and a wor­ried secu­ri­ty guard approached. “Is that your bag?” she asked, point­ing to a back­pack and coat that were def­i­nite­ly not ours. “Nope,” we said. “Oh boy,” she said. She asked a few oth­er peo­ple. The own­er was not there. She radioed in. I con­sid­ered the irony of being blown up while inter­view­ing Bill Ayers. I fig­ured it would at least get me a wikipedia entry.

Get the full inter­view over at The Rum­pus.

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  • Real­ly, real­ly inter­est­ing.
    I had­n’t seen the pic­ture with the flag until just now.
    Thanks for this post.

  • chikara says:

    “We were very care­ful from the moment of the town­house on to be sure we weren’t going to hurt any­body, and we nev­er did hurt any­body. When­ev­er we put a bomb in a pub­lic space, we had fig­ured out all kinds of ways to put checks and bal­ances on the thing and also to get peo­ple away from it, and we were remark­ably suc­cess­ful.”
    —Bill Ayers

    What the f?.

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