Through his books and docÂuÂmenÂtaries, Simon Schama, a British born hisÂtoÂriÂan, has covÂered a lot of ferÂtile ground. The French RevÂoÂluÂtion, the slave trade, the powÂer of art, RemÂbrandt, earÂly modÂern Dutch culÂture, the hisÂtoÂry of Britain — Schama has covÂered it all. And now he has pulled a TocÂqueville on us. He spent the betÂter part of a year travÂelÂing across AmerÂiÂca, sizÂing it up, and proÂducÂing a lengthy TV docÂuÂmenÂtary (now availÂable on DVD) and a relatÂed book (not availÂable in the US yet) called The AmerÂiÂcan Future: A HisÂtoÂry. His analyÂsis of AmerÂiÂca, of its past and its future, takes into account sevÂerÂal major themes: reliÂgion, immiÂgraÂtion, land and resources, and war. In this recent conÂverÂsaÂtion with Bill MoyÂers, Schama talks at length about AmerÂiÂca and where it finds itself today. The first 15 minÂutes focus on ObaÂma and the chalÂlenges he faces. The remainÂing part gets into themes disÂcussed in The AmerÂiÂcan Future. You can access it here: iTunes — Feed — Web Site.
P.S. I am realÂly sorÂry about the frusÂtratÂing downÂtime this mornÂing. My hostÂing serÂvice — Dreamhost — had some “issues.” HopeÂfulÂly this was an excepÂtion.
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