GivÂen that we were talkÂing about the hisÂtorÂiÂcal Jesus yesÂterÂday, this piece in the Utne ReadÂer caught my eye …
What hapÂpens when you’re runÂning a 14th cenÂtuÂry conÂvent in SouthÂern Spain that’s nearÂly broke? You could call up Jake and Elwood. Or, if you’re MothÂer Isabel and you run the show, you put a video on YouTube entiÂtled “Why not be a bareÂfoot Carmelite?” And then you let everyÂone see the nuns doing their thing — nuns readÂing, nuns prayÂing, nuns bakÂing and nuns sewing. So far the video has about 30,000 views, which is not huge by YouTube stanÂdards and it may not be enough to save the nuns. But the way I figÂure it, if we can bail out the Wall Street bunÂglers, then why not the nuns?
The last time I read about the Carmelites, which was a long time ago you, of course , had to read it in print. They didÂn’t have a phone numÂber, and cerÂtainÂly not a E‑mail address. I do not speak SpanÂish, but from the conÂtext I underÂstood the narÂrraÂtive and could see that they were telling of a “day in the life” of a sisÂter. BraÂvo to them and to our interÂnet and to open culÂture for this epiphany.