Bill Gates on Changing the World

The 2009 TED con­fer­ence, which fea­tured a long list of well-known speak­ers, wrapped up on Fri­day. And now you can watch two of the key pre­sen­ta­tions online. First, and fea­tured above, you’ll get Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and now major phil­an­thropist, talk­ing about how to change the world through edu­ca­tion and dis­ease pre­ven­tion. It’s a good 20 min­utes, and it will par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est any edu­ca­tors who read this blog. Next, Bill Gross, founder of Ide­al­ab, gives you 20 min­utes on the ground­break­ing work being done in solar ener­gy.

We’ve added the Gates talk to our list of YouTube Favorites. Also, you’ll find videos from TED on our list: YouTube Edu­ca­tion: 80 Intel­li­gent Video Col­lec­tions.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.