As you probably know, Open Culture launched a new look last week, and it seemed worth devoting a few words to it. With the new design, I was hoping to give the site a more inviting look and streamline the overall navigation. I was also hoping to make it clear that user contributions are always welcome. If you have tips on good media, send them our way. And if you ever want to write a guest blog post, please feel free to let me know what you have in mind. The more individual readers contribute, the more our community of readers benefits.
I definitely want to send a word of thanks to the folks at Rolling Orange, who handled all of the design and implementation. An excellent group to work with. Also, I want to thank Eric Oberle who has been very generous with his tech support since the beginning.
Lastly, this is a great time to ask you what you would like to see from Open Culture in the future. What should the site do more of? What should it do less of? What good things haven’t we thought about? Your input would be really appreciated. Feel free to send thoughts from the contact page, or add any thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks in advance to all…
I love Open Culture. You’re doing a great job. I pop in almost every day and very much enjoy the variety of topics. So, thank you for all your good work.
The color combos are a bit difficult to read (dont have great vision). You can measure them at
I love your new look!
I like the design very much but the font size and color make it difficult to read, particularly the gray on gray. Perhaps using bold font and increasing the font size a tad would make all the difference to those of us with less than great vision. As it is now I have to squint to read the text.
New look is attractive, but I agree with others that the legibility suffers. Needs larger, darker text.
Keep up the flow of interesting articles.
Thanks all for the comments. I will definitely take these into account and figure out how to address them. Any other thoughts are certainly welcome. Cheers,
Form follows function.
The function itself is brilliant.
So desgnwise ist is hard to do sth. wrong. As long it does not influence the usability.
A change refreshes the brain ;-)
Actually, some of us *don’t* know about the new look, as we receive our information via your RSS feed. :)