Bob Dylan Goes a Little Commercial

Stephen in the UK high­light­ed a piece in Guardian that will inter­est Bob Dylan fans. It begins:

Bob Dylan has giv­en rare per­mis­sion for his music to be used in a TV com­mer­cial.

Protest song Blowin’ in the Wind will be used to rein­force a mes­sage of change in a TV cam­paign for eth­i­cal bank­ing and retail firm the Co-oper­a­tive Group.

The song, a 1960s anthem for those dis­af­fect­ed with the estab­lish­ment, is thought to be the first track Dylan has allowed to appear in a UK TV ad.

Blowin’ in the Wind is being used to under­pin a mul­ti­mil­lion-pound relaunch of the Co-oper­a­tive Group’s image.

The TV cam­paign, which breaks next month, aims to show­case the com­pa­ny’s diverse inter­ests from food, funer­als and trav­el to phar­ma­cies and finan­cial ser­vices.

In response to all of this, Stephen adds: “The Co-op is eth­i­cal; The Co-op sup­ports Fair­Trade; The Co-op is still a co-oper­a­tive; They sure ain’t Vic­to­ri­a’s Secret.” Thanks Stephen.

Relat­ed Bob Dylan Con­tent:

When Bob Dylan Went Elec­tric: New­port, 1965

Bob Dylan & John­ny Cash Togeth­er in 1969: Free MP3s

Bob Dylan — Like A Rolling Stone 1966


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