Voila, the birth, life and death of a G‑type star, like our Sun. 12 bilÂlion years boiled down to six simÂple minÂutes. We’ve added it to our YouTube Favorites.
in Science, Video - Science | December 29th, 2008 3 Comments
Voila, the birth, life and death of a G‑type star, like our Sun. 12 bilÂlion years boiled down to six simÂple minÂutes. We’ve added it to our YouTube Favorites.
by OC | Permalink | Comments (3) |
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Alas, many of the colÂors shown here are not “visuÂal” but “repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtionÂal.” In othÂer words, this is NOT what you would “see” if you could witÂness these events. A disÂclaimer may have been in order.
This is a scam. 15 zsecÂond add to get not the 6 min clip, I got 45 secÂonds, then anothÂer 30 secÂond ad.
And to think I almost shut the page down on the first ad.
This is a scam. 15 secÂond add to get not the 6 min clip, I got 45 secÂonds, then anothÂer 30 secÂond ad.
And to think I almost shut the page down on the first ad.