It’s pretÂty hard to pull this off, but the titans of AmerÂiÂcan indusÂtry have made HerÂbert Hoover look like a very wise man, at least when he said: “You know, the only trouÂble with capÂiÂtalÂism is capÂiÂtalÂists; they’re too damn greedy.”
But we shouldÂn’t conÂsidÂer Hoover rehaÂbilÂiÂtatÂed. Not quite yet. The video clip below sugÂgests that in Japan the CEOs have figÂured out how to run their capÂiÂtalÂist sysÂtem with a degree of humilÂiÂty. And they’re doing it volÂunÂtarÂiÂly. That’s a news flash that you can send to our politÂiÂcal leadÂers before they funÂnel more taxÂes to misÂmanÂaged instiÂtuÂtions with no real strings attached.
(A quick PS: Europe’s leadÂing philosoÂpher and sociÂolÂoÂgist recentÂly spoke in the GerÂman press about the finanÂcial criÂsis and what it means for the future of our globÂalÂized sociÂety. You can find an EngÂlish transÂlaÂtion here.)
HelÂlo there, the video is no longer proÂvidÂed because the Youtube account seems susÂpendÂed. Please conÂsidÂer replacÂing it or deletÂing the artiÂcle.
Thank you and conÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions for your great work!