Thomas FriedÂman has a new book out, Hot, Flat, and CrowdÂed. And it gets into the whole quesÂtion of what a “green revÂoÂluÂtion” is realÂly all about. New books mean book tours, and here we have an outÂtake from a spirÂitÂed talk he recentÂly gave in NorthÂern CalÂiÂforÂnia. You can watch the full talk on here.
By the way, FriedÂman starts talkÂing at the outÂset about “ET,” and it hapÂpens to stand for “EnerÂgy TechÂnolÂoÂgy.”
FriedÂman’s careÂful and effecÂtive preÂsenÂtaÂtion of the book was also on podÂcast. A lecÂture at the LonÂdon School of EcoÂnomÂics in the LSE podÂcast and recentÂly re-pubÂlished on PrinceÂton’s UChanÂnel podÂcast.
It seems like it realÂly isn’t a trend , offiÂcialÂly, until FriedÂman says it is. I can’t help but be remindÂed as I slogged through 60% of “The World is Flat” and how many times I read someÂthing to the effect of “This hapÂpened when I wasÂn’t lookÂing.” or “I comÂpleteÂly missed it.”
Thomas FriedÂman is an intelÂlecÂtuÂal fraud. I honÂestÂly cringe at everyÂthing he writes.