Back in May, This AmerÂiÂcan Life (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) aired an episode called The Giant Pool of MonÂey (stream here). The show, which demysÂtiÂfied the mortÂgage criÂsis in an unsuÂal way, became a major hit. Now, they have aired a sequel: AnothÂer FrightÂenÂing Show About the EconÂoÂmy (stream here), and it explains the ripÂple effects of the origÂiÂnal mortÂgage criÂsis that have pushed the AmerÂiÂcan finanÂcial sysÂtem to the brink. How did comÂmerÂcial paper freeze up, and why does this paper matÂter? What exactÂly are credÂit default swaps, why wasÂn’t this masÂsive marÂket regÂuÂlatÂed, and how does this poorÂly underÂstood marÂket threatÂen our ecoÂnomÂic well being? It’s all answered here. Give a lisÂten.
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