As part of our effort to proÂvide insight into the ongoÂing credÂit criÂsis, we present a talk just givÂen at Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty by the Nobel Prize winÂning econÂoÂmist, Joseph Stiglitz (iTunes — Rss Feed). The author of GlobÂalÂizaÂtion and its DisÂconÂtents uses the talk as an opporÂtuÂniÂty to outÂline the events that conÂtributed to the globÂal credÂit criÂsis, and the future regÂuÂlaÂtions that could get us back on track. The talk runs a good hour, and it takes about 20–25 minÂutes for Stiglitz to realÂly focus on the credÂit crunch, and about 45 minÂutes before he starts disÂcussing tanÂgiÂble soluÂtions. Don’t expect any magÂic bulÂlets, any short term soluÂtions that will get the curÂrent criÂsis under conÂtrol. It’s more pragÂmatÂic long-term soluÂtions that you’ll find here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The FinanÂcial CriÂsis Explained
Ten Days That Shook The FinanÂcial World
This AmerÂiÂcan Life DemysÂtiÂfies The CredÂit CriÂsis
What’s been lost so far in all the uncerÂtainÂty and conÂfuÂsion of this counÂtry’s curÂrent finanÂcial fiasÂco?
The fact that a cadre of white colÂlar crimÂiÂnals are still out at large, just posÂsiÂbly pulling off one of the greatÂest heists in this counÂtry’s hisÂtoÂry?
I think so.
I also imagÂine them as a well fundÂed group of charÂacÂters –politÂiÂcalÂly conÂnectÂed too, undoubtÂedÂly set for life now – all of the monÂey needÂed for a lifeÂtime of comÂfort and leisure, secured in just 3 to 5 years of fraud and deceit.
Too many underÂesÂtiÂmate the untemÂpered short term profÂit motive — to get in and out quickÂly, makÂing milÂlions, no wait, some makÂing bilÂlions in the process.
While many of us now reel in the uncerÂtainÂty of our own short and long term finanÂcial secuÂriÂty, the parÂty’s just begun for those who’ve perÂfectÂed stealÂing with a penÂcil.
I’ll tell you what I think is missÂing from this news stoÂry thus far. MortÂgage and bankÂing CEO’s in suits being led away in hand cuffs, a new breed of no-nonÂsense regÂuÂlaÂtors being introÂduced to the AmerÂiÂcan peoÂple, and how about a uniÂfied AmerÂiÂcan voice declarÂing enough is enough!
“I believe that bankÂing instiÂtuÂtions are more danÂgerÂous to our libÂerÂties than standÂing armies. If the AmerÂiÂcan peoÂple ever allow priÂvate banks to conÂtrol the issue of their curÂrenÂcy, first by inflaÂtion, then by deflaÂtion, the banks and corÂpoÂraÂtions that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the peoÂple of all propÂerÂty until their chilÂdren wake-up homeÂless on the conÂtiÂnent their fathers conÂquered. The issuÂing powÂer should be takÂen from the banks and restored to the peoÂple, to whom it propÂerÂly belongs.” — Thomas JefÂferÂson, LetÂter to the SecÂreÂtary of the TreaÂsury Albert GalÂlatin (1802) 3rd presÂiÂdent of US (1743 — 1826)
Gary E. Geraci