One of our British readers turned us on to this post by the Guardian, noting that they took a page from our general playbook. The post features 50 of the best YouTube clips from across the arts, some of which we’ve featured here in the past. Among the videos, you’ll find vintage performances by John Coltrane and Billie Holiday, readings by Jack Kerouac, an interview with Eugène Ionesco, clips of Nirvana rehearsing in a garage, Vladimir Nabokov talking about Lolita, Jackson Pollock dripping paint outside his home, and Marlon Brando doing a screen test for Rebel Without a Cause. We have posted the Brando clip below. There are some definite gems here. Now dive in. And don’t forget to work through our YouTube playlist and our piece 70 Signs of Intelligent Life at YouTube, where you’ll find enriching video collections.
Thanks Stephen for the tip. And readers, keep the good recommendations coming!
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