The stock marÂkets are bleedÂing red today. Lehman BrothÂers has gone BK, even though it nevÂer had a quarÂterÂly loss as a pubÂlic comÂpaÂny until this past June. The finanÂcial sysÂtem is a comÂplete mess.
How did we get into what Alan Greenspan has called a “once-in-a-cenÂtuÂry” finanÂcial criÂsis? Let me refer you back to an episode of This AmerÂiÂcan Life (“The Giant Pool of MonÂey”) which we feaÂtured earÂliÂer this year. (LisÂten here.) Step by step, the show traces in its tradeÂmark, enterÂtainÂing way how this credÂit debaÂcle took shape. Along the way, you’ll disÂcovÂer how 70 trilÂlion dolÂlars of globÂal monÂey needÂed to get parked someÂwhere, and it found the US housÂing marÂket. As the monÂey poured in, the AmerÂiÂcan investÂment comÂmuÂniÂty cranked out as many mortÂgages as it could. And when there were no more qualÂiÂfied home buyÂers left, the banks startÂed lowÂerÂing lendÂing stanÂdards until there were none left. In the end, even dead peoÂple were getÂting mortÂgages (sadÂly, a true stoÂry). Give the podÂcast a lisÂten. The whole debaÂcle gets pieced togethÂer in a way that you’ve probÂaÂbly nevÂer heard before.
so, loan offiÂcers of banks approved loans that should have nevÂer been made, and some of these loans were for HUGE homes, many in these banks made monÂey. how can they be held responible?