Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Other Goodies From Our Readers

Over the past week, we’ve dis­cov­ered a num­ber of good items being put togeth­er by some of our read­ers.

The first is a new pop­u­lar pod­cast called “Robots” (iTunes — RSS Feed — Web Site). Assem­bled by a group of grad stu­dents asso­ci­at­ed with the Swiss Fed­er­al Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy in Lau­sanne (EPFL), each episode focus­es on a spe­cif­ic top­ic (e.g., robot soc­cer) and fea­tures inter­views with high pro­file guests in robot­ics and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Also, each episode high­lights news and views from peo­ple build­ing and pro­gram­ming robots inside and out­side uni­ver­si­ties.

Next, you may want to swing over to Nigel Beale’s site and lis­ten to his radio program/podcast called The Bib­lio File. The site hous­es about 100 audio inter­views with var­i­ous authors. Per­fect for the bib­lio­phile.

Last­ly, two quick men­tions: Tom Han­son, over at the “Open Edu­ca­tion” blog, rec­om­mends Zaid Alsagof­f’s free e‑book called “69 Learn­ing Adven­tures in 6 Galax­ies,” which essen­tial­ly offers a “resource for teach­ers seek­ing to be tech­no­log­i­cal­ly rel­e­vant.” And then, along sim­i­lar lines, you can find at a help­ful post called “100 Awe­some Class­room Videos to Learn New Teach­ing Tech­niques.”

Keep them com­ing.…

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.