I want to send a quick apolÂoÂgy to our email subÂscribers. Long stoÂry short, we encounÂtered some probÂlems with our email subÂscripÂtion list over the past week (probÂlems that we’re beyond our conÂtrol). But things are workÂing again, and I wantÂed to highÂlight some of the posts you may have missed. SorÂry again. And here it goes:
- 70 Signs of IntelÂliÂgent Life at YouTube
- 10 New iPhone Apps for the ThinkÂing PerÂson
- DownÂload Paul Coelho’s BestÂseller, “The Alchemist,” for Free on iTunes
- Stephen ColÂbert Reads Joyce’s Ulysses
- The African-AmerÂiÂcan FreeÂdom StrugÂgle & Barack Obama’s AmerÂiÂcan Dream (Free StanÂford Course)
- The First UninÂtendÂed HorÂror Film (1895)?
- Online CoursÂes in the Age of High Gas Prices
- ArchiÂtecÂture in Motion
- Will Google Kill SciÂence?
- SeyÂmour Hersh Reveals Covert OperÂaÂtions In Iran
- E=mc²: EinÂstein Explains His Famous ForÂmuÂla
- AniÂmatÂed VerÂsion of Howard Zinn’s HisÂtoÂry of the AmerÂiÂcan Empire
- Craphound: DownÂload Cory Doctorow’s Short StoÂry via Free MP3 (and othÂer GoodÂies)
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