I like re-postÂing this from time to time, espeÂcialÂly around comÂmenceÂment time: Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple ComÂputÂer, delivÂered this speech at StanÂford’s comÂmenceÂment cerÂeÂmoÂny in June 2005, offerÂing some simÂple guideÂlines for livÂing a meanÂingÂful life. SomeÂwhat ironÂiÂcalÂly, Jobs nevÂer gradÂuÂatÂed from colÂlege. But no matÂter, there’s lots of good thinkÂing here, and the speech is well worth a lisÂten. We’ve postÂed the video below (and it’s added to our YouTube playlist), but you could also catch it on iTunes: video here, or audio here.
Great speech. RealÂly shows what one can do with hard work, a litÂtle luck, and a ton of motiÂvaÂtion and innoÂvaÂtion. SpeakÂing of innoÂvaÂtion, I’m workÂing with Intel on their InterÂnaÂtionÂal SciÂence & EngiÂneerÂing Fair (ISEF), which wraps up in Atlanta this week. Some of the world’s best young minds will be parÂticÂiÂpatÂing, and I urge you and your readÂers to check it out.