Ira Glass, host of the beloved radio show This AmerÂiÂcan Life, offers a helpÂful reminder that excelÂlence doesÂn’t come autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly. (See video below.) It takes work, years of it. And he revisÂits some of his earÂly radio work in order to prove it.
The Glass video has been added to our YouTube playlist.
[…] Ira Glass video (5:20) talks about how excelÂlence takes years of work, and what it’s like to start out and […]
[…] speakÂing of Ira Glass, be sure to get his thoughts on Why CreÂative ExcelÂlence Takes Time. It offers some excelÂlent advice for anyÂone workÂing in a creÂative field… […]