How Wikis (and Other Stuff) Work in Plain English

This video gives you the quick gist of how wikis work, and it’s part of a larg­er series of videos on YouTube — called The Com­mon­craft Show — that explain the inner-work­ings of var­i­ous tech items. Recent videos delve into the mechan­ics of Twit­ter, RSS Feeds, social net­work­ing, and online pho­to shar­ing. We’ve added the video below to our YouTube playlist and the Com­mon­craft series to our larg­er col­lec­tion called 60 Signs of Intel­li­gent Life on YouTube. For oth­er good videos that demys­ti­fy things tech­ni­cal, you may want to check out this and this.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.